Office of Human Resources

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: October, 1977



 All employees.


1. It is the responsibility of the Department Head to approve the request after verifying that all sick leave and vacation, as applicable, will be discharged prior to receiving an advance.

2. The Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration, or his designee, has the sole responsibility for final approval of the request.

3. The employee is responsible for paying back borrowed time. Advanced time will automatically be deducted from subsequent earned time until the negative balance has been repaid.


Sick Leave:

1. Sick leave with pay may be granted in advance of accrual but not in excess of 70 hours for a 35 hour work week employee or 80 for a 40 hour work week employee.

 2. An employee must have one year of service before being eligible for an advance.

3. Advanced sick leave will not be granted until all vacation leave accrual has been exhausted.

4. The department cannot hire a replacement for an employee who is using borrowed sick leave.

5. This does not apply to any work-related injury or sickness.


 The Payroll Office will process advances of sick leave for an employee only with prior approval of the Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration, or his designee.


1. The employee requesting the advance time must fill out a USP-10 Form “Request for Sick Leave Advance” along with a note from the doctor.

2. The form must then be submitted to the Dean, Director or Department Head for approval.

3. The Dean, Director or Department Head must then forward the completed form to the Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration for final approval.

4. After approval by the Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration, the Human Resource Administration Office will forward the request for advance to the Payroll Office for processing. A copy of the approved or disapproved request will be forwarded to the Dean, Director, or Department Head requesting the advance and a copy will remain in the employee’s personnel file.


 1. The request for Advance of Sick Leave Form must be completed and submitted far enough in advance to allow time for approvals and processing.

2. The USP-10 Form is available from the Office of Human Resource Administration, 80 Lower College Road 874-2416.

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