Office of Human Resources

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: March 1978





All levels of government are being called upon to provide more and better services for a growing number of citizens. To do this, the federal government, states, and local governments must share their resources and cooperate in solving mutual problems. One way governments are already doing this is the temporary assignment of employees under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (IPA), Public Law 91-648. Under the mobility provisions of the IPA, employees may be assigned between federal executive agencies

and states, local governments, and institutions of higher education for periods up to two years. Assignees can provide expertise for priority projects, solve problems involving two levels of government, and build intergovernmental understanding by gaining experience in another administrative environment. All fifty states, as well as numerous governments, universities, and federal agencies, are participating in the IPA mobility program.

Title IV of the IPA authorizes temporary assignments between the federal government and state and local governments or educational institutions for work of mutual concern or benefit. This may involve assignment of a single person or persons to another jurisdiction or an exchange of employees and employers and the impact to the effective delivery of public services.


All faculty and staff members presently employed by The University of Rhode Island in full-time, unlimited positions, who have been so employed for at least ninety (90) days preceding their IPA appointments (In rare instances by exception and approved by the appropriate Vice President and the President, a limited position may be eligible for an IPA assignment). Refer to the first paragraph under General Policy.


Each Dean or Department Chairman, and supervisor is responsible for the proper application of the provisions of this policy within his jurisdiction. Each should insure that all subordinate employees are informed of this policy and that is it carried out in accordance with the set policy. The Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration is responsible for the general administration and maintenance of the IPA program and is the authorizing officer who signs all assignment agreements.


A university employee who accepts a temporary assignment under this program will take a leave from his/her present position and must return to the position at the end of the assignment. If the position from which the employee is on leave is federally funded and the grant becomes exhausted during the interim, the University of Rhode Island is under no obligation to place the employee in another position upon expiration of the IPA appointment.

The assignment may last from a few weeks to two years depending upon the needs of the organization involved. Assignments may also be part-time or intermittent. Under special circumstances an assignment may be extended for an additional two years if it is for the mutual benefit of the agencies involved. This extension should be documented and signed by all three parties to the agreement.

1. Salary and Benefits

The employee remains on the URI payroll for the duration of the assignment. The salary may be shared by the two jurisdictions or be paid entirely by one or the other All benefits from the prior position will continue at the same level and will be paid for by the contracting agency. Any salary increases or benefits received by the individuals in the position from which the employee is on leave will be granted upon return to the old position. Seniority in the old position is retained but not accumulated during the temporary assignment.

Employees accepting IPA assignments are bound to the pay rates and increases negotiated prior to the acceptance of the appointment or those awarded upon amendment or renewal of the contract. When a state or university employee is given an IPA appointment in the federal service, within grade increases under the Federal Government’s General Schedule do not apply. That is, salary while on temporary assignment will be established in advance by mutual agreement between the contracting agency and individual. The salary administration program afforded IPA employees will not necessarily be comparable to salary administration guidelines of employees under the jurisdiction of the Board of governors.The Office of Human Resource Administration should be contacted for information concerning the employee’s benefit coverage and for calculation of the current benefit costs.


An IPA appointment is a limited time appointment with no union status. Union membership may be retained by individuals at their own discretion. However, they will not be represented by the union nor will they be covered by the terms and conditions of the contract.


These positions are filled solely at the discretion of the contracting agency. The University Affirmative Action Officer will be consulted prior the appointment of an employee to an IPA position. The affirmative action policy and guidelines of the contracting agency will apply.



Officials of state and local jurisdictions and federal agencies may initiate a mobility assignment request by:

1. Addressing an assignment proposal directly to a counterpart agency in another jurisdiction that shares a mutual concern in strengthening a program or solving a problem.

2. Addressing a proposal involving a “core management” skill to a Federal Executive Board (FEB) or Federal Executive Association (FEA).

In order to give the organization to which the proposal is addressed a basis for evaluating the request and deciding how it can help, an assignment proposal should outline the:

a. Purpose of the assignment, including its general priority;

b. Employee’s skills and background required;

c. Estimated length of the assignment;

d. Share of salary and other expenses the requesting organization is willing to assume.

Once the two agencies have agreed upon the assignment and all terms and conditions for the assignment, it is put into effect by a written assignment agreement.

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Think Big, We Do.
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