Office of Human Resources

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: October 30, 2015




 All non-faculty employees.


Additional compensation is payment for work over and above an employee’s job assignment in a department or state agency, most often, other than the one in which the employee is regularly assigned. Such work is voluntary in nature. It does not affect:

a. provisions in union contracts concerning outside consultation;

b. the legal requirements of overtime within a person’s regular job assignment.


It is the policy of the University that no URI employees shall devote any portion of their regularly-scheduled work day for private purposes. A full-time employee may receive additional compensation for other activities from funds managed by the University if the policy and procedures stated below are followed. However, no employee can receive additional compensation from a contract or grant on which he is a principal investigator.

Additional compensation should never be considered as part of an employee’s regular compensation.


1. It is the responsibility of the employee to inform his/her department head of the nature and extent of the additional work and obtain prior permission by initiating the “Authorization for Payment for Additional Compensation for Staff Only” (USP-7).

2. It is the responsibility of the department head to certify that the proposed additional employment will be performed outside the employee’s regular work schedule and does not interfere with the employee’s assigned duties.

3. In consultation on with the Director, Personnel Services, it is the responsibility of the Dean or Director to check requests and to insure that the work is professionally appropriate, does not constitute a conflict of interest, and that pay rates are appropriate.

4. It is the responsibility of the Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration or Director of Personnel Services to administer this policy and grant final approval.


Additional compensation may be paid if all the following conditions are met:


2. In most cases, the work is outside his/her department, and in all cases the work is in addition to the work which has been assigned to the employee as part of a normal, full-time load and is clearly beyond the assigned work load within his department.

3. The employee must perform the additional employment outside his work schedule.

4. Discharging of vacation or other leave time to perform additional employment for pay is prohibited.

5. Documentation is presented to show that the work can best be handled by the University employee.

6. The additional work in no way interferes with the performance of regularly assigned duties.

7. The additional work will in no way provide a conflict of interest for the employee and is professionally appropriate. (See Board of Governors and State Personnel Rule 6.02).

8. Any materials utilized in the performance of this work must be paid by the hiring department or state agency. Employees should not use University tools and equipment unless reimbursement costs are involved and they have the approval of their department heads.

9. Any extraordinary event which requires exception must receive approval of the appropriate Vice President and the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources or the Director of Personnel Services.


Additional compensation as defined in this policy is divided into the following categories: (1) ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT (SIMILAR DUTIES), (2) ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT (DISSIMILAR DUTIES), (3) RELEASE TIME, and (4) SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT.

1. ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT (SIMILAR DUTIES) applies to employment at the University that is similar to the duties specified in the employee’s job description but is performed outside his regularly-assigned work schedule for another department. Rates of pay shall normally be straight time.

2. ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT (DISSIMILAR DUTIES) applies to employment at the University that is substantially different from the duties specified in the employee’s job description and is performed outside his/her regularly assigned work schedule for another department.

3. RELEASE TIME applies to employment either at the University or at another State agency that is similar to the duties specified in the employee’s job description and is performed during his regularly assigned work schedule. Payment does not accrue to the individual performing the work but is credited to the budget of the releasing department.

4. SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT applies to a brief, one-time job, performed by a University employee outside of his regularly assigned work schedule for another State agency (examples: RIC, DEM). The URI employee completes a Form A-64, REQUEST FOR SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT, obtains the signature of the paying authority at URI, and forwards the form to the University Office of Human Resource Administration for signature.


When a permanent employee of another State agency is employed by the University on a temporary, one-time basis, payment is processed by the University. The employee from the outside State agency completes Form A-64, obtains the signature of the paying authority at the appropriate state agency, and forwards the form to the University Office of Human Resource Administration Department for signature.

The A-64 Form may be obtained from the State Controller’s office or on line on the URI Office of Human Resource Administration website under forms.


a. Authorization for Payment of Additional Compensation (USP-7)

b. Request for Special Employment (A-64)

c. Request for Transfer Payroll Changes

d. Internal Payroll Form (IP-1)

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