Office of Human Resources

Leadership on all human resource-related issues

80 Lower College Road, Kingston, RI 02881

urihr@ucs.uri.edu401.874.2416 - 401.874.5741 (fax)

Think Big, We Do.
Rhode Island Seal

Date: March 1989



 All non-faculty employees.


 All supervisors whose employees request release time for the purpose of attending courses, seminars, incentive training programs, etc…


 It is the policy of the University to encourage employees to attend educational programs that are intended to improve their performance in their current position. When approved through this procedure the University may grant release time to employees to attend those sessions which occur during normal working hours. For many programs, the release time granted shall be made by the employee or leave will be discharged. A further explanation is provided in Section 3 or Procedure.


1. Employees interested in obtaining release time to attend in-service training courses, courses, seminars, training sessions, etc., must submit a written request to their supervisor itemizing the specific times involved. This request must be submitted sufficiently in advance of the scheduled starting date of the program to allow for proper planning by the supervisor. Whenever possible, employees will take courses outside normal work hours.

2. The decision as to whether or not release time will be granted rests with the department head/director. The department’s current workload and work schedule will be considered in the decision-making process. Release time will not be unreasonably withheld. Upon receiving a request for release time, a supervisor is expected to respond promptly in writing to the employee.

3. Release time that is granted under the conditions of this policy shall be made up unless the employee is directed to attend the program by the supervisor (administrative leave) with the approval of the Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration. Administration Leave must be given in advance and in writing by the appropriate Vice President/Provost and the Assistant Vice President for Human Resource Administration. Should make-up time be required, the specific method by which the time is made up must be approved in advance by the responsible department supervisor and be made a matter of record. Employees may not use break time or more than thirty (30) minutes of their lunch time to make up release time.

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Think Big, We Do.
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