Hello Rhode Island!

female student Lacey on the URI campus

I’m Lacey Hylen, the new campus recreation marketing graduate assistant. After driving all the way from Kentucky, I am very excited to be here in the Ocean State! 


pathway on URI campusNow if you are a new student like me, you may have not even toured the campus you are about to attend classes on. Well, it is your lucky day, because I went to campus for the very first time and documented to share with you what to expect! Below are some of my thoughts and first impressions of my self-guided tour.

  1. Campus can get HOT so be prepared for the heat! Even though the campus is only a short 15-minute drive to the coast there isn’t always the same beach breeze. Dress in light clothing and bring water so you stay cool and hydrated while walking around campus.
  2. URI will give killer legs muscles. Get ready for some serious hill workouts when walking from class to class, so always wear comfy shoes!
  3. The way campus meshes the old and new architecture is beautiful! URI exhibits beautiful modern buildings and historic buildings from one side to the other. Keep a lookout for the buildings commemorating powerful figures like Elanor Roosevelt Hall, one of my favorite political figures!  
  4. If you are a first-timer who has never visited campus, like me, bring a map! The campus is bigger than you think so make sure you reference the first-time student app (Launching August 14th) to get to the right place. You may miss some of the great places on
  5. There is beauty all over campus. The scenery and landscaping make for great pictures (I definitely took advantage of it)! Keep an eye out for all the greenery and flowers around the pathways.
  6. Get excited about the possibilities! While walking around I heard the campus bell echoing through campus and it got me excited for when there will be a buzz of people moving from place to place, enjoying the fresh air, and the start of a new school year.

female student wearing a face maskAlthough this year will look different than previously, URI will still be moving forward and doing everything they can do to welcome students to the university! Once you get to campus, take the time to explore. Go around campus and take some fun pictures! Find the best areas to study or hang out, even if it is in an outside area.

As students, if we do our part, wear masks, wash our hands, and keep 6ft apart then this school year will be great! I realized on my tour that although there will be restrictions, It will still be up to me to make the most of my experience. If I sulk it “what could’ve been” I will be the only reason for my poor experience at URI. However, if I make the most of what is available I know that this will be an amazing experience!

written by Lacey, GA Marketing

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