Alarm clock going off? SNOOZE! It goes off again… SNOOZE! As you begin to get super comfortable in those furry sheets, reality sets in… You’re about to be late! You jump in the shower and brush your teeth in a hurry. Now you put on some clothes and it’s time to hit that little speed walk down Butterfield road!
This was my morning routine almost every day. Not only was it terrible, but it would affect how my rest of the day played out. The way that you start your day is a glimpse of how the whole day will be. Since I always started with no effort, my days were filled with laziness and procrastination.

I knew that if I wanted to change my attitude, I would have to change the way I got up and start my day in the morning. I learned that the morning is the MOST important part of the day no matter who you are. How you get up in the morning will determine how your day will end up. With that being said, here are some things you can implement to tackle the day the right way.
1. Plan Ahead

This is the biggest head start to your day. Planning your day the night before is proven to increase your productivity. What you do the night before makes it so much more likely that you’ll accomplish the goals you have in mind. One method that I use for planning ahead of time is the Ivy Lee Method. The Ivy Lee Method is a 100-year old strategy for helping people become more productive at work. Let me tell you that this method is the real deal and it’s super easy! It allows you to be fully prepared and know exactly what needs to be done rather than procrastinating because you don’t know what to do. Since I start work in the morning, I am usually done with my workday sometime in the afternoon giving me the rest of the day to relax and enjoy my free time. At the end of each night, make sure to write down the 5 important tasks that want to be achieved. You can write this down anywhere like your phone, calendar, notebook… Even on your arm for all I care! I typically use my phone.
Not only does this save you time, but it gives you that basic structure to prepare you for your workday!
2. Ensure good night’s sleep
I remember nights where I would stay up till 5 AM… Yikes! I would be in bed till like 2 PM and would have no motivation to complete any assignments that day. If you make sure that you are fully rested, it will give you the energy you need to work. The average adult needs 7-9 hours of rest although some people may need as few as 6 hours. I sleep for around 6-7 hours. Make sure to get at LEAST 7 hours of sleep. Sleep is the foundation of mental wellness and is why it should be a main priority.
3. Wake up early
If you want a morning routine, you HAVE to wake up early. If you don’t, there goes your whole morning down the drain! According to behavioral economist Dan Ariely at Duke University, people are most productive in the first two hours of the morning. It is key to be fully rested so that you can work during these prime hours. If you make sure to sleep at the correct time every night, your body will adjust and automatically wake you up around the same time every day. For example, I typically go to sleep around 2 AM. This means everything is turned OFF by this time. I wake up around 9 AM to my one alarm where I can start my day and be productive. Sometimes I find myself waking up before my alarm around 8 AM and begin my day from there. Not only do I have the energy that I need to work, but I just feel great overall. I get most of my work completed during the morning time and that’s a plus.
4. Eat and drink SOMETHING

If there’s one thing about me, it’s that I don’t like to eat anything in the morning. I feel that my stomach isn’t ready at all. Even if you don’t like to eat a big breakfast, make sure to eat and drink something! For me, it’s nice ice cold water with fruit. I eat all types of fruits so I am always switching things up. Whether it’s an apple, orange, grapes, you name it and I eat it! I find that putting something healthy into your system prepares you for the day of work. These fruits aren’t too much for me in the morning and that’s why I love them. Not only are they delicious, but they are so important to my morning routine to give me the necessary nutrients that I need. Feel free to even switch things up! Try eating a granola bar with some orange juice as it is a great alternative.
P.S. I love fruit smoothies! About twice a week, I will blend some of my frozen fruit with a cup of milk and yogurt. It’s always good to change things up.
5. Move!
Don’t just sit there… MOVE! It’s always good to take those breaks. Make it mandatory. Take a walk down to Hope to grab a bite or even just get up and stretch. Get that blood circulating so that your body is in full effect of work mode. You could even workout too! If you’re curious about how to start working out, be sure to check out my previous blog on simple at-home workouts without any equipment!
There isn’t too much to my morning routine but keeping it simple. It’s crazy how much these tips factor into how your day is portrayed. Comparing myself now to when I first started college, I not only see the change but you feel it too. My morning routine has a big impact on my morale overall and it’s such a game-changer. I feel so much better than being that lazy couch potato I was a couple years ago. Keep hydrated and tackle the day, the right way!
Works Cited:
Jonathan Vieker, et al. “The Simple Genius of Planning Your Day the Night Before.” Jonathan Vieker, 16 Mar. 2018,
Nazario, Brunilda. “Breakfast Benefits: Energy, Weight Control, and More.” WebMD, WebMD.
Oppong, Thomas. “Success Begins in The Morning.” EchoesMinds, 29 Aug. 2017.
“The Ivy Lee Method Time Management Strategy.” Couple of Teachers, 1 June 2020.
Hey everyone! I’m Eddy, a senior majoring in Communications and minoring in Sports Media. I am so happy to be a part of the URI Campus Recreation team! Writing has been a passion of mine since I was little, and I look forward to not only growing as a writer but as a person too. My favorite activities include following the world of sports and playing sports. Whether it’s just reading articles on Bleacher Report or going out to the field, I am always doing something related to sports every second of the day! I played football and tennis in high school while running indoor track and field as well. Sports have always been a key role in my life as they made me who I am today. My favorite teams are the Philadelphia Eagles, Minnesota Timberwolves, and FC Porto. I am a very competitive person and will never back down from any challenge. Always ready to bring out the best of the team and myself!