Traveling the World Through Books

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Reading is a big part of my life, and now, so is traveling. Some students may not have the luxury to study abroad, but they can travel the world through books! 

Traveling comes with a lot of reading… or so I thought. As some of you may know, I am a big reader. I love getting lost in a book. I even have my own Instagram dedicated to all of the books I read. But, while being abroad this semester, I have read a total of two books. 

As someone who loves to read, I have been struggling to find the time to dive into a book. Between classes, exploring cities, excursions, and catching up on sleep, reading felt almost impossible over the past few months. 

So, instead of pressuring myself to read, which was one of my goals this year, I came up with an idea to help me get back on track for the summer!  

In Cape Town, Sydney, and Rome, I wanted to have a special souvenir for myself to remember my time abroad. Specifically, I was looking for something unique to who I am. When I found myself struggling to keep a book in my hand, I decided to look into local authors or books that have significance in the place I have been studying for six weeks. 

Now, as I am on my journey back home to New Jersey, I have three books that each remind me of the places I have been this semester. These books are at the top of my “to-be-read” list! 

Cape Town

Poetry has always been something that I cherish. It has always been something I love to read and love to create. As a student studying English, with a creative writing track, I have had many assignments that required me to read literature and to write poetry. 

Studying in Cape Town, I was inspired by the professors I had for my classes, who were proud to be representing South Africa through CIEE. Additionally, each day our classes became more intimate as we learned more about one another. My professors, who are also involved in making and producing music locally, utilized music into poetry. Hearing their stories and their own forms of poetry inspired me to buy my first book on my trip abroad, A Poetic Journey with Eric Miyeni

While in Cape Town, I found myself in a bookstore every chance I could get. But it was on a beach in the surf town of Muizenberg that I strolled into my favorite bookstore. In the back of the store, reading at the counter, was an older woman who beamed at me when I walked in. It was only a matter of seconds before she guided me to the section of local authors and I found what I was looking for. 

A Poetic Journey with Eric Miyeni is a collection of poetry from the past two decades in South Africa. It involves politics, love, hate, and topics from post apartheid. With the knowledge I gained from my classes and my own experiences in Cape Town, I decided that this collection of poetry would be a beautiful way to understand more about South Africa and forever take the culture with me. 


When I was in Sydney, it was at a  time when I felt the most overwhelmed, swimming in work, and drowning in homesickness. Usually, at these moments when I am feeling lost, I pick up a book and get distracted. But, as I mentioned previously, this was just not the case when studying abroad. 

So, on one of my days off from my internship, I decided to head to a bookstore. When I opened the doors, I realized how far behind I was on reading. I have a list of books on my “to-be-read” list that were staring back at me in this bookstore. But, I remembered why I came to the bookstore and I remembered my new year’s goal: do not feel pressured to read. 

In the midst of all of these new emotions and completing half of my study abroad journey, I once again found myself standing in front of the poetry section of local authors. It was here that I found the book that represented my time in Sydney. The Moon Flower Monologues by Tess Guinery stood out to me because of its bright, yellow color. Then, when I opened the front cover to read about the book, the dedication page read, “Dedication to the bloomers.” It is a book that encourages readers to stand up and bloom.

My time in Sydney was filled with memories I will remember forever. However, I also had many moments where I felt lost, lonely, and not myself. Finding this poetry book reminded me that you have to move “through the valleys and messy seas – in the shadows” to bloom. 


Because of the language barrier here in Rome, finding a book to read has been challenging. Additionally, I wanted to follow the theme of the previous location of choosing a poetry book by a local author. But as I was searching for my souvenir, there was something else that stuck out to me more than a poetry book.

During the past six weeks, I couldn’t help but notice Pinocchio on posters, signs, and books. So, when I walked into a bookstore, it was the obvious choice of which book I would be buying in Italy. 

Pinocchio was written by Carlo Collido in 1883 and first published in an Italian magazine. Now, it is a famous story of a puppet who wishes he was a real boy. So, instead of a poetry book, I bought Pinocchio! This book is special to Italy and will always remind me of my time here. 

As I am finally heading home, these are more books that I am adding to my reading list. However, each one has a significance that is unique to my experience abroad. These three books will be the first ones I read when I get back home! 

If you are a reader or have a friend who is a book lover, this is a great way to form memories of places you have visited around the world! 

Thank you so much for following along with my blog Books Abroad. Stay tuned for my final blog of this semester about getting organized back home after a semester abroad! 





Tara reading a book on a founain in newyork looking rightHi friends! My name is Tara Roumes and I am a junior here at URI. With a double major in journalism and English, you can always find me writing! When a pen isn’t in my hand, a fresh cup of coffee and a book often replace it. My love for books can be found on Instagram, @taras_littlelibrary, where I post reviews and connect with other avid readers. If I am not reading or writing, I am definitely claiming a front-row seat at any athletic event on campus, playing with my two dogs, or listening to Harry Styles. This is my second semester blogging for Inside Rec and I am so excited to share my experiences, thoughts, and opinions with you! Right now I am studying abroad in Cape Town then I head to Sydney and Rome!