Lift Like A Lady

Women on Weights is a URI Campus Recreation workout program that aims to teach women who are new or inexperienced with weight lifting how to properly lift weights. This 10-week training class provides women with the opportunity to become more acclimated to lifting and better their form without the stresses and anxieties they may face in a public weight room.

Physical and social well-being are essential components of Campus Recreation. Providing students with opportunities to be active, be well, and belong, Campus Rec offers diverse programs that are tailored to various community members. I had the opportunity to sit in on one of the classes and was able to get some insight from both the instructor and participants. Instructor, Katie Tenebruso, explains, “This program was intended to help women workout, and to give them the space to exercise without feeling intimidated.” Creating opportunities and spaces for women to work out without fear of judgment or pressure is essential, as this helps encourage women to integrate themselves within these spaces and delve into new exercises. After asking Katie how she creates a welcoming and encouraging environment, she explains that her priority is uplifting the women during class, along with reassuring them of the correct form by doing the workouts with them. Katie has made it a priority within WOW to instill  a positive relationship with weight lifting in hopes to encourage women along their workout journey. With loud, upbeat music, along with the positive energy both Katie and the participants brought to class, it was clear to me that all of the women felt empowered and supported throughout the session. 

Social well-being focuses on enhancing relationships with peers, along with community building. The Women on Weights program allows women to build connections with others who have the same interests in learning how to lift weights and better their physical well-being. Throughout the duration of the class, Katie was continuously encouraging each of the women to push themselves, both physically and mentally. She referred to each of the women by name, making personal connections with the group, and being attentive to each individual. While Katie participated in some of the workouts with the group, she showed her own struggle with the workouts, encouraging the women that even trainers struggle and any progress is success. It is incredibly motivating to be taught by an instructor who is passionate about what they are teaching, along with your personal success. I felt that the women were not only being taught how to properly lift weights, but being socially fulfilled with a group of women with whom they shared similar ambitions. 

In addition to social well-being, physical well-being is a foundation of the WOW program. One participant, Nathalie, shared with me why she initially decided to take part in WOW. She had prior experience with weight lifting, having undergone a CrossFit program, motivating her to continue with her exercise journey, and sought out a different, low-pressure fitness program. Nathalie explained that the WOW program and Katie have both helped her improve her form, and taught her new techniques and circuits within weightlifting. WOW appeals to all skill levels, teaching beginners proper form and techniques while challenging advanced individuals with new workouts. Emphasizing that the program is implemented to better women both physically and socially, Nathalie relays “This environment is very friendly, it’s important to have the opportunity to workout in a low-pressure environment.” It is important to build these programs that are tailored to individuals who are less experienced with weight lighting as it presents the ability for individuals to learn proper lifting techniques, overcome gym anxieties, and feel comfortable in a space in which the class is learning and growing together.

Women on Weights is a key program to be implemented on a college campus. Benefiting individuals both socially and physically, WOW allows for a comfortable, low-pressure environment to instill confidence and healthy habits within women. Be sure to check out Campus Recreation’s website and IMLeagues to find other group exercise programs to partake in!

By Erin Mullaney
Major: Political Science 
Graduating May 2026