How to Accomplish Your Fitness Resolutions for the New Year

Another year has come and gone and with the start of 2022, we are all in the midst of making new resolutions for what this next chapter has in store for us. Each year I tell myself that things will be different! I’ll wake up early, go to the gym, eat healthy, and quit procrastinating all of my assignments. But then the days go by, and I slip into my old habits of skipping the gym, giving in to the fast food cravings, and waiting until the last minute to turn in my school work (hey, Parkinson’s Law states that if you wait until the last minute to do something, it only takes one minute to do, right?). When 2021 began, of course I wanted to start off on a clean slate, and once again try to stick to my resolutions. With some perseverance and a new mindset, I was able to stick to my resolutions and hope to continue making progress with this new year! Here are some of the tips and tricks that helped me stick to my resolutions:

One of the biggest things that I knew I needed to change was my mindset. In years prior, I had always placed so much pressure on myself to quit my old habits cold turkey, and when I slipped up, felt so much guilt and shame that often led to falling back into old behaviors completely. When it came to maintaining my longer term fitness resolutions, I started with the following:

  • I cleaned up my social media, unfollowing accounts that did not align with my fitness resolutions, and following new accounts that inspired me with new workouts and embracing your body. Here are some of my favorite body positive and fitness-oriented accounts on Tik Tok!

Tiktok Alexis ClaireTiktok Clara and Herself

Tiktok Ryan Reed

Tiktok Tamara Anthony

Tiktok Brittani Lancaster

  • I read books that coincided with my resolutions! In years past I have had trouble changing past behaviors and forming new habits, so here are some of the books I read that helped me to make long term changes:

Book Atomic HabitsBook The 5AM Club

Book Self-Care for the Real World

When it came to fitness, one of the biggest things I needed to learn was that progress is not linear, and I would need to continue with my workouts for a substantial length of time before I began to see results. In the past, I would expect instant gratification after a week or two, and when I couldn’t physically see results, I would give up and stop going to the gym. After reading Atomic Habits, author James Clear states the following four laws of behavioral change and habit formation:

  1. Make it Obvious
  2. Make it Attractive
  3. Make it Easy
  4. Make it Satisfying

So, I decided to take these laws and apply them to my fitness journey. (This process ended up being one of the most effective devices that guided me in maintaining my fitness resolution.)

1.Make it Obvious: This law is all about clearly defining your goals and expectations, and being explicit about what measures you will take to reach those goals. I know I’m the type of person that likes to workout in the morning, so I always do my workouts first thing when I wake up. This makes it easier to avoid excuses I would use in the past, like being too tired, or needing to prioritize an assignment for class instead of going to the gym. Find a time that works in your schedule, and stick to it.

Cycle Studio with Angelina2. Make it Attractive: The more attractive an opportunity is, the more likely it is to become habit forming. I knew I needed to learn to enjoy my workouts, instead of viewing exercise as a chore. What makes working out the most fun for me is pushing myself towards a new PR, and teaching cycle classes! Once I found a workout routine that I loved, it made it so much easier to go to the gym, and working out became something I look forward to.

3. Make it Easy: We are less likely to do something if it requires a certain amount of effort. One of the benefits of going to the gym first thing in the morning is I don’t give myself time to think about not going to the gym, I simply go as part of my routine and the repetition becomes habit forming. I’ll also sign up for Group Ex classes at Anna Fascitelli when I don’t feel like doing one of my own workouts, because then I can follow along with the instructors! URI makes signing up for classes so easy, offering a wide variety of classes throughout the day that cater to your interests and fit into your busy schedule! Each class is only a couple screen taps away in the  IMLeagues app

4. Make it Satisfying: This final law is all about making a behavior an enjoyable experience, one that sets off the reward centers in our brains. As a reward for remaining consistent with my fitness journey, I will treat myself to new fitness clothes after X amount of workouts or buy myself a coffee if I make it to the gym on a day when I don’t want to go. 

After finding a workout routine that I loved and applying the four laws of behavior change to my own life, here are some extra tips I found to be super helpful!

Progress Photo of Angelina


Take some pictures and videos of your progress! Although you won’t see progress day to day, documenting your fitness journey will allow you to go back and see how far you’ve come!



Go with a friend!! If you’re like me and sometimes it’s hard getting to the gym on your own, a great way to stay on track is to go with a friend. A fun way to do this is to take Group Exercise classes on campus! This is a great way to spend quality time with friends while doing an activity that benefits you. Not only will you keep each other accountable, you can take funny pictures together in the mirror! (Insert picture of Lauren and I in the mirror)

Trust the process. It is important to acknowledge that some days are harder than others, and you’ll have days where you end up needing to take a day off, which is OKAY!! I used to feel so guilty if I took a day off from the gym, until I realized that it’s okay to take a break if you need one. Remember to listen to your body!

Have fun with it! Recognize that you are working towards these resolutions to become the best version of yourself, so remember to enjoy the journey before you reach your destination. 

I hope that these tips and tricks will help you with some of your fitness goals and overall resolutions for the new year! The hardest part is starting, so put your best foot forward and I wish you all the best of luck! You got this!


Works Cited

Clear, J. (2018). Atomic Habits the life-changing million copy bestseller. Random House.


Angela HeadshotHi everyone! My name is Angela and I’m a Junior Biology and Psychology double major from Pembroke, MA. As a cycle instructor for URI Campus Recreation, I’m so excited to be writing for Inside Rec, documenting what I’ve learned since starting my personal fitness journey and the benefits of group exercise classes offered here at URI facilities! Outside of Campus Rec, I love spending time with my friends at the beach, traveling to new destinations, or learning to play a new song on my ukulele. I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all as I grow and learn more on my fitness journey!

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