Resources Resources for Families Making your first visit to the lab for an exercise & EEG study?PREPARE FOR YOUR VISIT Annual Brain Fair: Brain Waves Rhode IslandLEARN MORE Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)LEARN MORE Concerned about childhood obesity?CDC Calculator for BMI Percentile in ChildrenLEARN MORE How much exercise does my family need?! 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for AmericansLEARN MORE American College of Sports MedicineProfessional organization for research, physicians, clinicians, and the communityLEARN MORE The Daily MileClassroom Resources to improve the mental, social-emotional, and physical health and wellness of kidsLEARN MORE NeustraSaludHealth Resources for Spanish-speaking families in Rhode IslandLEARN MORE Cerebral Palsy GuideHelping children and families with CPLEARN MORE Resources for Students/Learners Transition to Jobs/Grad School The Undergraduate Research Assistantship: An Analysis of the BenefitsLEARN MORE Resources for Finding a Post-bacc Research Job (e.g. lab manager, research assistant)LEARN MORE Undergraduate Research Assistant Leadership for Rigorous, High-Quality ResearchLEARN MORE Knowing When You’re Ready for Grad SchoolLEARN MORE Student Grants PhD Candidates: American Association of University Women Invites Applications for American FellowshipsLEARN MORE Neuroscience Scholars ProgramLEARN MORE Health Policy Research ScholarsLEARN MORE National Science Foundation: Graduate Research Fellowship ProgramLEARN MORE Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New AmericansLEARN MORE URI Enhancement of Graduate Research AwardsLEARN MORE URI Graduate Student FellowshipsLEARN MORE Graduate Student Funding OpportunitiesLEARN MORE Stats & Coding DataCamp Classrooms: Intro to Coding!LEARN MORE Free online textbook for using R to perform statisticsLEARN MORE LEARD Statistics: Statistical Test Calculator & GuideLEARN MORE MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem SolvingLEARN MORE Science EEG/ERP ResourcesLEARN MORE MRI/fMRI ResourcesLEARN MORE OpenNEUROLEARN MORE Tips for Writing ScienceLEARN MORE