MSRF equipment

The MSRF analytical laboratories are located in the Ann Gall Durbin Aquarium building and in the Coastal Institute building at the URI Narragansett Bay Campus.

Contact: Dawn Outram

Particle analysis

BD Influx cell sorting / flow cytometry (about this instrument)
FlowCam imaging particle analyzer (about this instrument)
Beckman Coulter Counter Multisizer 4 (about this instrument)


Nikon Eclipse Ni-U epifluorescence microscope and digital camera system DS-Ri1
Olympus dissecting stereomicroscope SZX16
Nikon inverted microscope Eclipse TS100
Stingray Camera for microscopes (C-mount)

Water phase analysis

Nutrient analyzer Astoria-Pacific Segmented Flow Analyzer (about this instrument) (Nutrient Analysis Work Order Form)
YSI sonde Quatro, handheld with DO, pH, salinity and temperature probes
pH meter Hanna

Molecular biology

Quantitative PCR thermocycler – Stratagene MX3005P
PCR thermocycler – Eppendorf Mastercycler epGradient (2 units available)
Gel imager Pro CareStream 212 with camera
NanoDrop 1000 (provides only concentration)
Safe Imager Blue-Light Transilluminator Invitrogen
Invitrogen Qubit 2.0 fluorometer (provides quality and concentration)
Refrigerated centrifuges IEC Micromax RF and IEC Centra GP8R

Light absorbance and fluorescence

Turner 10-AU Fluorometer (about this instrument)
Trilogy Fluorometer
Satlantic FIRe Fluorometer (Fluorescence Induction and Relaxation System)
Jaz Spectrometer (for visible wavelengths)
Biospherical PAR Sensor with laptop
IMG_2645SpectraMax Plate Reader (with XP computer, not online)

Dissolved Gas Analysis

PreSens Oxygen Meter

Culture work and sample prep

Polytron homogenizer PT 10-35 GT with 12-mm EC-aggregate
BioSpec Mini-Beadbeater-96 (must provide special tubes or deep-well plates)
Branson cell disruptor (sonifier with 2 tips)
MaxQ 4000 incubated orbital shaker
MaxQ 2000 orbital shaker (5)
Heating/cooling blocks (several, e.g., Echotherm, Boekel)
Bench Top Autoclave
Milli-Q Synergy Water Purifier
Filter manifold (6 outlets) and vacuum pump
Various sizes mini and micro centrifuges
Plankton nets (20 and 100 µm)
Stirring hotplates, stirring plates, drying ovens, micro-and mini-balances, homogenizers, water baths.


Equipment training
Consultation on experimental design and implementation
Sample analysis
Educational outreach and aquarium tours

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