Blount Aquaculture Lab

Fee structure

On July 1, 2024, the Marine Science Research Facility (MSRF) updates its fees within its structure as a URI service center. After this date, use of some instruments in the MSRF-Analytical collection and space fees in the MSRF-Shared Seawater Facility will be subject to the new fees. The listings for space, instruments, and their associated fees are subject to change.

MSRF-Shared Seawater Facility

Facilities Fee per unit of use
Aquarium Building $1.97/sf/mo
Polar Environmental Chambers $4.36/sf/mo. Based on space used, the charges are 1/4 ($92.65/mo), half ($185.30/mo) or whole chamber ($370.60/mo)
Blount Aquaculture Research Laboratory $1.00/sf/mo
Mesocosms $0.35/sf/mo (=$630/mo)
Ark $0.40/sf/mo
Exterior space Fee determination is pending


MSRF-Analytical Instruments

Instruments Unit of use Rate – assisted Rate – unassisted
Beckman Coulter Counter hour $78.00 $34.00
qPCR cycler Stratagene Mx3005p run $45.00 $22.00
Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer  DECOMMISSIONED  January 2024
Nikon epifluorescence microscope hour $78.00 $15.00
PreSens O2 sensor (1) day $93.00 $27.00
BD Influx flow cytometry Currently offline; contact MSRF-A for more info
BD Influx cell sorting Currently offline; contact MSRF-A for more info
FlowCAM (2) hour $91.00 $29.00
Astoria-Pacific nutrient analyzer (3) sample $21.00 base rate + $2.00/nutrient N/A
Incubator day $3.00 $3.00
FIRe fluorometer (4) hour $78.00 $10.00
Plate reader run $78.00 $3.00
Olympus stereomicroscope (5i) hour $78.00 $3.00
Nikon inverted microscope (5ii) hour $78.00 $3.00
Turner/Trilogy Fluorometers (6) # users TBD TBD

(1) MSRF does not furnish the sensor dots for this device. Shipboard rental available for PreSens O2 Sensor, at $200/month.

(2) Shipboard rental available for FlowCam, at $800 per month.

(3) When dilutions are necessary, the basic rate will be increased to $30, unless the user does the dilution.

(4) Shipboard rental available for Satlantic FIRe Fluorometer, at $150/month.

(5) Shipboard rental available for microscopes, at $150 (i) and $150 (ii) per month.

(6) Yearly fee is based on cost for supplies and technician time for calibrations. The individual usage fee will be based on a percentage of overall usage over the fiscal year. The Turner fluorometer is available for shipboard rental. While the instrument is at sea, user units will be logged at a rate of 8 users/day.

The URI overhead rate of 57.5% is applied to the above fees for non-University users.

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