URI DPT at APTA CSM: Houston 2025 - Students and faculty of the URI DPT program and Motor Control and Rehabilitation Lab members…
XV Progress in Motor Control – Call for Abstracts! - The Scientific Committee will evaluate all abstracts. All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters…
XV Progress in Motor Control “Crossroads between Neurophysiology and Applications” – June 30 to July 2, 2025 - The URI’s Physical Therapy Department, College of Health Sciences, and the International Society of Motor Control (ISMC) are happy…
Motor Control Summer School and 6th Motor Control Conference 2024, Wisla, Poland - Motor Control Summer School 2024 (MCSS-2024) took place in Ustron, Poland on September 14-17, 2024.…
BME Capstone Design - URI BME Capstone Design Showcase took place on April 19, 2024, and presented 8 medical…
Development Grant: “Establishing a protocol for utilizing indwelling fine wire intramuscular electromyography (EMG) equipment in rotator cuff muscle assessment.” - We are happy to announce that the MCR-Lab has been awarded a grant under the…
2024 College of Health Sciences Research Night - MCR-Lab, represented by undergraduate and graduate students from the Department of Physical Therapy and Bioengineering,…
2nd Annual Neuroscience Symposium, April 5, 2024 - The Motor Control and Rehabilitation lab featured its research on Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization…
Biomechanics Day – April 3, 2024 - This month, members of the Motor Control and Rehabilitation lab as well as URI DPT…
URI DPT at APTA CSM: Boston 2024 - Last month, students and faculty of the URI DPT program and Motor Control and Rehabilitation…
Repair-Eds: Rehabilitation Enhanced By Partial Arterial Inflow Restriction in Patients with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. - Justin Z. Laferrier, PT, PhD, Taylor Medeiros, SPT, Kenneth Shin, SPT, Sebastian Valdes, SPT and…
Researching Total Knee Arthroplasty - URI DPT students are participating in their Capstone research projects utilizing EMG and APDM sensors…
Spring Semester 2024 - Current students are immersed in new research at the MCR-Lab. From developing assistive technologies to…
URI’s new Neuro-Learning Center to boost brain education - College of Health Sciences Professors Mariusz Furmanek and Alisa Baron, along with collaborators Mark Hartman,…
Robotic rehab aims to help stroke patients regain hand dexterity - Research in URI Motor Control and Rehabilitation lab funded by $460,000 grant from National Science…
Motor Control Lab research presented at NEACSM - David Ornstein and Tyler Foster, Ph.D. candidates within the PHT Department and MCR-Lab members, presented…
Motor Control Lab members at NEACSM - URI Kinesiology undergraduate students, including MCR-Lab member Zoe Hetrick, participated in the NEACSM annual conference…
Dr. R. Abiri (PI), Dr. Y. Shahriari (Co-PI) and Dr. M. Furmanek (Co-PI) were awarded a $460K NSF grant to study “An Adaptive Closed-Loop Robotic Exoskeleton for Upper Extremity Motor Rehabilitation.” Congratulations! - This project's goals will be accomplished through three research thrusts: 1) developing a multimodal, wearable…
Physical Therapy Department unveils Motor Control and Rehabilitation Lab - Demonstrating its advanced technology—including 3D motion capture, virtual reality, EMG and more—physical therapy Assistant Professor…
MCR-Lab Open House! - Wondering what kind of research is performed and what technology is used in the Motor…
MCR-Lab Receives Medical Research Grant of 25,000 - Great news! PI of the MCR-Lab Dr. Mariusz Furmanek just received a Medical Research Grant…