
Publications from the Menden-Deuer lab are listed in reverse chronological order below:


Casillo Cieza S. A., Stanley R. H. R., Marrec* P., Fontaine D. N., Crockford E. T., McGillicuddy D. J., Mehta A., Menden-Deuer* S., Peacock E. E., Rynearson T. A., Sandwith Z. O. Zhang, W., and Sosik H.M. 2024. Unusual Hemiaulus Bloom Influences Ocean Productivity in Northeast U.S. Shelf Waters. Biogeosciences, 21, 1235–1257.

Marrec* P., & Menden‐Deuer* S. (2024). Changes in phytoplankton size–structure alter trophic transfer in a temperate, coastal planktonic food web. Limnology and Oceanography Letters


Menden-Deuer* S., Mullarney J.C., Boersma M., Grossart H.P., Sponseller R. & Woodin S.A. 2023. Cascading, Interactive, and Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Communities, Habitats, and Ecosystems. Limnology & Oceanography.

Niebergall* A.K., Traylor S., Huang Y., Feen* M., Meyer M.G., McNair* H.M., Nicholson D., Fassbender A.J., Omand M.M., Marchetti A., Menden-Deuer S., Tang W., Gong W., Tortell P., Hamme R. & Cassar N. 2023. Evaluation of new and net community production estimates by multiple ship-based and autonomous observations in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.

Strock* J., Puggioni G. & Menden-Deuer S. 2023. Two-stage multivariate dynamic linear models to extract environmental and climate signals in coastal ecosystem data. Statistics and Its Interface. Vol 16.3.

Chen B, Montagnes DJS, Wang Q, Liu H & *Menden-Deuer S. 2023. Partitioning the apparent temperature sensitivity into within- and across-taxa responses: revisiting the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic protists The American Naturalist.

Taniguchi D., Follows M. & Menden-Deuer S. 2023. Planktonic prey size selection reveals an emergent keystone predator effect and niche partitioning. 2023. PLoS-One.


Anderson S., *Franzè G., Kling J., Wilburn P., Kremer C., *Menden-Deuer S., Litchman E., Hutchins D. & Rynearson T. 2022. The interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on a spring phytoplankton community Limnology and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.12023. 

Chen B., Montagnes D.J.S., Wang Q., Liu H. & Menden-Deuer S. 2022. Partitioning the apparent temperature sensitivity into within- and across-taxa responses: revisiting the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic protists The American Naturalist.

*Franzè G., Anderson S.I., Kling J.D., Wilburn P., Hutchins D.A., Litchman E., Rynearson T. & *Menden-Deuer S. 2022. Interactive effects of nutrients and temperature on herbivorous predation in a coastal plankton community. Limnol Oceanogr.


*Menden-Deuer S., W.H. Slade & H. Dierssen. 2021. Promoting Instrument Development for New Research Avenues in Ocean Science: Opening the Black Box of Grazing Frontiers in Marine Sciences – Ocean Observation. 

*Menden-Deuer S., J. Rowlett, M. Nursultanov, S. Collins, T. Rynearson. 2021. Biodiversity of marine microbes is safeguarded by phenotypic heterogeneity in ecological traits PLoS ONE 16(8): e0254799. pone.0254799. 

*Fulfer V.M. & S. Menden-Deuer. 2021. Heterotrophic Dinoflagellate Growth and Grazing Rates Reduced by Microplastic Ingestion Frontiers in Marine Sciences. 

Siegel D. A., … H. McNair*, S. Menden-Deuer, F. Morison*, et al. 2021. An operational overview of the EXport Processes in the Ocean from RemoTe Sensing (EXPORTS) Northeast Pacific field deployment Elementa Science of the Anthropocene. 

*McNair H., F. Morison*, J.R. Graff T.A. Rynearson & S. Menden-Deuer. 2021. Microzooplankton grazing constrains pathways of carbon export in the subarctic North Pacific Limnology and Oceanography, 

*McNair H., C. N. Hammond* & S. Menden-Deuer. 2021. Phytoplankton carbon and nitrogen biomass estimates are robust to volume measurement method and growth environment. Journal of Plankton Research, 

*Marrec P., A. Miller*, L. Maranda & S. Menden-Deuer. 2021. Virtual and remote, but hands-on undergraduate research in plankton ecology during the 2020 pandemic – covid-19 can’t stop this! Oceanography, 

*Kane, M. K., A. Atkinson & S. Menden-Deuer. 2021. Lowered cameras reveal hidden behaviors of Antarctic krill. Current Biology, 

*Marrec P., H. McNair*, G. Franzè, F. Morison*, J. P. Strock* & S. Menden-Deuer. 2021. Seasonal variability in planktonic food web structure and function of the Northeast U.S. Shelf. Limnology and Oceanography, 


Strock, J.P. & S. Menden-Deuer. 2020. Temperature acclimation alters phytoplankton growth and production rates. Limnology and Oceanography, 

Walcutt N*, Knorlein M, Cetinic I, Ljubesic Z, Bosak S, Sgouros T, Montalbano A, Neeley A, Menden-Deuer S, and Omand M. 2020. Assessment of holographic microscopy for quantifying marine particle size and concentration. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 

*Morison F, Pierson J, *Oikonomou A, & S Menden-Deuer. 2020. Mesozooplankton grazing minimally impacts phytoplankton abundance during spring in the western North Atlantic. Peer J. doi: 10.7717/peerj.9430. 

*Morison F, *G Franzè, E Harvey & S Menden-Deuer. 2020. Frequency of light fluctuations is key in modulating plankton trophic dynamics and their impact on primary production. Limnology & Oceanography – Letters. doi: 10.1002/lol2.10156. 

Menden-Deuer S, *F Morison, AL Montalbano, *G Franzè, *J Strock, *E Rubin, *H McNair, C Mouw & *P Marrec. 2020. Multi-instrument assessment of phytoplankton abundance and cell sizes in mono-specific laboratory cultures and whole plankton community composition in the North Atlantic. Frontiers in Marine Sciences. 

Bolaños L, L Karp-Boss, CJ Choi, AZ Worden, J Graff, N Haëntjens, A Chase, A Della Penna, P Gaube, *F Morison, S Menden-Deuer, T Westberry, E Boss, M Behrenfeld, R O’Malley& S Giovannoni. 2020. Small phytoplankton dominate western North Atlantic biomass. The ISME Journal.

*Franzè G and Menden-Deuer S. 2020. Common temperature – growth dependency and acclimation response in three herbivorous protists. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI:

*McNair H. and Menden-Deuer S. 2020. Protist grazing contributes to microbial food web at the upper boundary of the twilight zone in the subarctic Pacific. Marine Ecology Progress Series. DOI:


*Morison F., Harvey E., Franze G., and Menden-Deuer S. 2019. Storm-induced predator-prey decoupling promotes springtime accumulation of North Atlantic phytoplankton. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00608. 

*Roohani K, *Haubrich BA, *Yue KL, *D’Souza N, Montalbano A, Rynearson TA, Menden-Deuer S and Christopher W. Reid 2019 Trophic upgrading and mobilization of wax esters in microzooplankton PeerJ 

*Rubin E, Cheng S, Montalbano A, Menden-Deuer S and Rynearson T. 2019. Transcriptomic response to feeding and starvation in a herbivorous dinoflagellate. Frontiers in Marine Science: Aquatic MIcrobiology. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00246 

Behrenfeld M., Moore R., Hostetler C., Graff J., Gaube P., Russell L., Chen G., Doney S., Giovannoni S., Liu H., Proctor C., Bolanos L., Huynh N., Davie-Martin C., Westberry T., Bates T., Bell T., Bidle K., Boss E., Brooks S., Carins B., Carlson C., Halsey K., Harvey E., Hu C., Karp-Boss L., Kleb M., Menden-Deuer S., *Morison F., Quinn P., Scarino A., Anderson B., Chowdhary J., Crosbie E., Ferrare R., Hair J., Hu Y., Janz S., Redemann J., Saltzman E., Shook M., Siegel D., Yang Martin M., Ziemba L. 2019. The North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study (NAAMES): Science motive and mission overview. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00122.


*Kane M., Yopak R., Roman C., and S Menden-Deuer. 2018. Krill motion in the Southern Ocean: quantifying in situ krill movement behaviors and distributions during the late austral autumn and spring Limnology and Oceanography.

* Morison F and S. Menden-Deuer. 2018. Seasonal similarity in rates of protistan herbivory in fjords along the Western Antarctic Peninsula Limnology and Oceanography. 

Menden-Deuer S., Lawrence C. and *G. Franzè. 2018. Herbivorous protist growth and grazing rates at in situ and artificially elevated temperatures during an Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom. PeerJ. 10.7717/peerj.5264 

Menden-Deuer S. & Rowlett J. 2018. The theory of games and microbe ecology. Theoretical Ecology 


Lindeman C, DL Aknes, KJ Flynn & S Menden-Deuer. 2017 Modeling the Plankton–Enhancing the Integration of Biological Knowledge and Mechanistic Understanding. Frontiers in Marine Science 

Xenopoulos MA, JA Downing, M Deep Kumar, S Menden-Deuer & M Voss. 2017 Headwaters to oceans: Ecological and biogeochemical contrasts across the aquatic continuum. Limnology and Oceanography 

*Morison F & Menden-Deuer S 2017 Doing more with less: balancing sampling resolution with effort in measuring plankton growth and grazing rates Limnology & Oceanography: Methods 

Grear J, T Rynearson, A Montalbano, B Govenar & S Menden-Deuer 2017 pCO2 effects on incubated, whole phytoplankton community species composition and production in a productive estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 


*Anderson SR & S Menden-Deuer 2016 Growth, grazing, and starvation survival in three heterotrophic dinoflagellate species Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 

Menden-Deuer S & Kiørboe T. 2016 Small bugs with a big impact: linking plankton ecology with ecosystem processes Journal of Plankton Ecology. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbw049// 

Snelgrove, P., E. Vanden Berghe, P. Miloslavich, P. Archambault, N. Bailly, A. Brandt, A. Bucklin, M. Clark, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, P. Halpin, R. Hopcroft, K. Kaschner, B. Lascelles, L.A. Levin, S. Menden-Deuer, A. Metaxas, D. Obura, R. R. Reeves, T. Rynearson, K. Stocks, M. Tarzia, D. Tittensor, V. Tunnicliffe, B. Wallace, R. Wanless, T. Webb, P. Bernal, J. Rice, A. Rosenberg. 2016. Chapter 34: Gradients in Marine Biodiversity. In The United Nations World Ocean Assessment, published by the United Nations as part of the Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment 

*Graff J. & Menden-Deuer S. 2016 Physical and optical properties of plankton rich layers; toward prediction and strategic sampling of plankton patchiness. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Feature Article 

Rynearson T. & Menden-Deuer S. 2016 Drivers that structure biodiversity in the plankton. Aquatic Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry: A dual perspective 

*Orchard MJ, S Humphries, *Schuech R & S Menden-Deuer 2016 The influence of viscosity on the motility and sensory ability of the dinoflagellate, Heterocapsa triquetra. Journal of Plankton Research 


*Harvey EL., Rynearson T. & Menden-Deuer S. 2015 Persistent intra-specific variation in genetic and behavioral traits in the raphidophyte, Heterosigma akashiwo. Frontiers in Microbiology 

*Morison F. & Menden-Deuer S. 2015 Early spring phytoplankton dynamics in the subpolar North Atlantic: The influence of Protistan Herbivory. Limnology and Oceanography 

Menden-Deuer S. & Montalbano A. 2015 Bloom formation potential in the toxic dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea: clues from movement behaviors and growth characteristics. Harmful Algae 


*Kim H & Menden-Deuer S. 2014 Estimating the effects of ocean acidification-induced behavioral shifts on primary production rates of Heterosigma akashiwo. Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae. 

Keeling PJ, Burki F, Wilcox HM, Allam B, Allen EE, et al. 2014. The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): Illuminating the Functional Diversity of Eukaryotic Life in the Oceans through Transcriptome Sequencing PLoS Biol 12(6): e1001889. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001889 

*Schuech R & Menden-Deuer S. 2014. Going ballistic in the plankton – anisotropic swimming behavior of marine protists. Limnology & Oceanography: Fluids & Environments: 4: 1-16 

Menden-Deuer S. & Rowlett J. 2014. Behavioral heterogeneity maintains high species diversity in the plankton. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 11: 20140031 


*Chappell PD., *Whitney LP., *Haddock TL., Menden-Deuer S., Roy EG., Wells ML. & BD Jenkins 2013. Thalassiosira spp. community composition shifts in response to an eddy in the northeast Pacific Ocean Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00273 

Rubin CB., Menden-Deuer S. & EL*Harvey. 2013. Plankton on the Move. Leonardo 46:412-413. 

*Kim H & S Menden-Deuer. 2013. Reliability of rapid, semi-automated assessment of plankton abundance, biomass, and growth rate estimates: Coulter Counter versus light microscope measurements. Limnology & Oceanography Methods 11: 382-393

*Harvey EL, HJ Jeong & S Menden-Deuer. 2013. Avoidance and attraction: Chemical cues influence predator-prey interactions of planktonic protists Limnology & Oceanography. 58:1176-1184 

*Kim H., Spivak A. & S. Menden-Deuer. In Press. Lowered pH alters the swimming behaviors of the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo: implications for bloom formation in an acidified ocean Harmful Algae. 26:1-11 

Strom SL., *Harvey EL., Fredrickson KA. & S. Menden-Deuer. 2013. Broad halotolerance as a refuge from predation in the harmful raphidophyte alga Heterosigma akashiwo Journal of Phycology. 49:20-31 

*Graff JR., *Forschner-Dancause SR., Menden-Deuer S., Long R. & DC. Rowley. 2013. Vibrio cholerae exploits sub-lethal concentrations of a competitor-produced antibiotic to avoid toxic interactions. Frontiers in Microbiology. 4:8. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00008


*Harvey EL. & S. Menden-Deuer. 2012. Predator-induced fleeing behaviors in phytoplankton: a new mechanism for harmful algal bloom formation? PLoS ONE. 7(9):e46438 doi: 10/1371/journal.pone.0046438 

Menden-Deuer S. 2012. Structure-dependent phytoplankton photosynthesis and production: implications for the formation, maintenance, and decline of plankton patches Marine Ecology Progress Series. 468:15-30 

*Lawrence CM, & S. Menden-Deuer. 2012. Drivers of protistan grazing pressure: seasonal signals of plankton community composition and environmental conditions Marine Ecology Progress Series 459:39-52 


*Harvey EL, & S. Menden-Deuer. 2011. Avoidance, movement, and mortality: the role of predator-prey interactions in harmful algal bloom dynamics Limnology and Oceanography 56:371-378 


Menden-Deuer S & Fredrickson KA. 2010. Structure-dependent, protistan grazing and its implication for the formation, maintenance and decline of plankton patches Marine Ecology Progress Series 420: 57-71 

Menden-Deuer S. 2010. Inherent high correlation of individual motility enhances population dispersal in a heterotrophic, planktonic protist PLoS Computational Biology. 6(10) e1000942 doi: 10.1371 

Menden-Deuer S., Fredrickson KA. & SL. Strom 2010. Formation and decline of a Heterosigma akashiwo layer in East Sound, Washington, USA In K. C. Ho, M. Y. Zhou, and Y.Z. Qi [eds.], Harmful algae 2008. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae, Hong Kong:98-103. 

Pre 2010

Menden-Deuer S. 2008. Spatial and temporal characteristics of plankton-rich layers in a shallow, temperate fjord Marine Ecology Progress Series 355: 21-30 

Menden-Deuer S. 2006. An integrated model simulation and empirical laboratory on biological encounter rates Oceanography 19(4):185-189 

Menden-Deuer S & D Grünbaum. 2006. Individual foraging behaviors and population distributions of planktonic predators aggregating to phytoplankton layers Limnology & Oceanography 51:109-116 

Menden-Deuer S, EJ Lessard, J Satterberg* & D Grünbaum. 2005. Growth and starvation survival capacity of three species of the pallium feeding thecate dinoflagellate genus Protoperidinium (Peridiniacea, Dinophyceae) distributions Aquatic Microbial Ecology 41: 145-152 

Saldarriaga JF, FJR Taylor, T Cavalier-Smith, S Menden-Deuer & PJ Keeling. 2004. Molecular data and the evolutionary history of dinoflagellates European Journal of Protistology 40: 85-111

Skovgaard A & S Menden-Deuer. 2003. Long-term exposure of dinoflagellates to 14C: Effects on growth rate and measurements of carbon content Journal of Plankton Research 25: 1005-1009 

Smetacek V, C Klaas, S Menden-Deuer & TA Rynearson. 2002. Mesoscale distribution of dominant diatom species relative to the hydrographical field along the Antarctic Polar Front Deep-Sea Research II 49: 3835-3848 

Menden-Deuer S, EJ Lessard & J Satterberg*. 2001. Effect of preservation on dinoflagellate and diatom cell volume, and consequences for carbon biomass predictions Marine Ecology Progress Series 222: 41-50 

Menden-Deuer S & EJ Lessard. 2000. Carbon to volume relationships for dinoflagellates, diatoms, and other protist plankton Limnology & Oceanography 45: 569-579