Welcome to the Menden-Deuer Lab

We are plankton ecologists who conduct hypothesis driven experiments in the laboratory, at sea and in silico to decipher patterns and processes that drive plankton abundance and distribution. Plankton make planet Earth habitable and are central conduits of globally relevant processes, including the carbon cycle. Our goal is to understand what makes plankton tick to predict their role in marine ecosystems now and in the future. If images seem particularly beautiful on these pages, they are most likely created by Cynthia Beth Rubin.


  • Susanne attends defense of Arianna Krinos - Susanne travelled to Woods Hole to attend the defense of Arianna Krinos. Arianna, a joint MIT-WHOI student, successfully defended her dissertation and will surely move on to more great things in life. Congrats!
  • Pierre & Susanne publish new manuscript - Congrats to Pierre and Susanne, who just received acceptance for their new manuscript, entitled “Changes in phytoplankton size–structure alter trophic transfer in a temperate, coastal planktonic food web.” This paper, published in Limnology and Oceanography Letters, uses data collected by our lab to investigate case studies of unusual phytoplankton community structure. Understanding what is ‘unusual’ […]
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