Alex Sinno


Alexandra Elizabeth Sinno is a 2022 NOAA Hollings Scholar that started in the Menden-Deuer lab spring 2023. Alex has done research at FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, and is participating in a NOAA internship over the summer of 2023 where she will be traveling to Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, as a CNMI Coral Restoration Scholar to do research on coral reef recruitment for 10 weeks. During a study abroad at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences Alex obtained a AAUS Science Diver Qualification which she will be unitizing in Saipan during the duration of her research. Alex has experience as a undergraduate teaching assistant for Dr. Linda Forester for two semesters. She is also currently a CBLS Student Ambassador and is pursing being a URI 130 mentor for the Fall 2023 semester.


In Alex’s time within the Menden-Deuer Lab, she is interested in learning more about mixotrophic plankton and applying that knowledge to her own experiments and research.


Alex is a junior at the University of Rhode Island completing her BS in Marine Biology.