The 2023 Inclusive SciComm Symposium will take place both virtually and in-person at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, Rhode Island, U.S.A., October 19-21, 2023. The biennial symposium is an international convening of science communication practitioners, researchers, and funders who work across diverse disciplines and settings to prioritize inclusion, equity, and intersectionality in all forms of science communication.
What’s a science communication “practitioner”? We’re a big tent: this includes journalists, artists, trainers, TikTokers, community organizers, educators, librarians, museum staff, and anyone else who communicates about science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or medicine with public audiences. Participants are creating change, from climate solutions and conservation strategies to public health, space exploration, and artificial intelligence. We hope you’ll join us!
Submit your session proposal!
We welcome proposal submissions to participate in the Symposium. Check out this year’s themes, learn more and submit your proposal here.
Ready to help make it happen?
Join other dynamic sponsors, such as the Science Sandbox, an initiative of the Simons Foundation, the Kavli Foundation, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in shifting science and science communication toward a just, equitable, and inclusive future! Learn more about sponsorship opportunities here.
Stay in touch! Follow @InclusiveSci and #ISCS23 on Twitter to stay up to date on Symposium news.