2021 is shaping up to be a busy year with a host of exciting programs and initiatives on the horizon.
There’s a lot to catch up on regarding the state of climate change policies under new leadership in Washington, DC. That’s why we’re planning a bonus Leeson Lecture on this topic, on April 8th (see story, below).
Your generous donations established the Leeson Lecture as part of our June Annual Public Lecture Series. The lecture honors Robert Leeson, Jr., a former Metcalf advisory board member and tireless advocate for Metcalf Institute. We’re pleased to announce that your donations have made it possible for us to bring you two Leeson Lectures this year!
Save the date for the 2021 Annual Public Lecture Series, June 14-18th. We’ll dive into environmental justice issues from varied angles including energy, water access, agriculture, and climate adaptation.
We’ll be offering multiple science communication trainings as part of the Career Development Program, a virtual science seminar for journalists, and several workshops on inclusive science communication.
There’s an urgent need for this type of training, and we’re taking bold steps to meet that demand. Metcalf and URI have developed two transformational giving opportunities as part of Big Ideas. Bold Plans. The Campaign for the University of Rhode Island.
As we forge ahead with these exciting programs, please take a moment to look back at some of our successes in Metcalf’s 2020 Institute Annual Report