
The Kausch laboratory group, directed by Dr. Albert Kausch, has a primary focus on agricultural biotechnology and is located at 530 Liberty Lane in West Kingston, RI, about 1 mile west of the main URI campus. The Plant Biotechnology Laboratory (PBL) maintains active programs in Research, Education, Outreach, and Industry Interactions. The laboratory space is fully equipped for plant transformation and transgenic biology with multiple species, molecular biology work and plant transgenic technology applications, and is available to provide all the necessary laboratory facilities required for the program. Greenhouse space for transgenic plant grow-out and analysis is also available at URI. The PBL maintains several active research collaborations with other universities, government and industry collaborators, including; Yale University, the University of Missouri, NC State University, the National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT, Cali Colombia), Ernst Conservation Seeds Inc., Plant Advancements LLC., Ophios LLC and others.  Dr. Kausch teaches a popular General Education course called Issues in Biotechnology (BCH 190) both on campus and online.  He also teaches a two semester inquiry driven training course in plant biotechnology titled  Project-based Laboratory Science (BCH  471/472) and offers experiential internships (BCH 499) in his lab to qualified students.

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