- Nelson-Vasilchik K., Hague J.P., Tilelli M., Kausch A.P. (in press) Rapid transformation and plant regeneration of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) mediated by altruistic Baby boom and Wuschel2. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant.
- Kausch A.P., Wang K., Kaeppler H., Gordon-Kamm W. (2021) Maize Transformation: history, progress and perspectives. Molecular Breeding, 41,
- Kausch A.P., Nelson-Vasilchik K., Yonchak A., Hague J. (2021) Maize Tissue Culture, Transformation and Genome Editing. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant, 57, pp. 653 – 671,
- Hague J.H., Nelson, K., Yonchak, A., Kausch A.P. (Dec 2021) qPCR methods for the quantification of transgene insert copy number and zygosity using the comparative Ct method in transgenic Sorghum bicolor L. Moench. In: Accelerated Breeding for Cereal Crops, (Laurie J.D., Bilichak, A., eds), Springer Protocols Handbook, Humana Press.
- Kausch A.P., Nelson-Vasilchik K., Hague J., Mookkan M., Quemada H, Dellaporta S.L., Fragoso C., and Zhang, Z.J. (2019) Edit at Will: Genotype Independent Plant Transformation in the Era of Advanced Genomics and Genome Editing. Plant Science, 281 pp. 186 -205,
- Mookkan, M., Nelson-Vasilchik, K., Hague, J., Zhang, Z.J., and Kausch, A.P. (2018) Morphogenic regulator-mediated transformation of maize inbred B73. Current Protocols in Plant Biology, e20075. doi: 10.1002/cppb.20075
- Nelson-Vasilchik, K., Hague, J., Mookkan, M., Zhang, Z.J., and Kausch, A.P. (2018) Transformation of recalcitrant sorghum varieties facilitated by baby boom and wuschel2. Current Protocols in Plant Biology, e200076. doi: 10.1002/cppb.20076
- Mookkan, M., Nelson-Vasilchik, K., Hague, J., Zhang, Z.J., and Kausch, A. P. (2017) Selectable marker independent transformation of recalcitrant maize inbred B73 and sorghum P898012 mediated by morphogenic regulators BABY BOOMand WUSCHEL2. Plant Cell Reports.
- Hayward, A.P., Moreno, M.A., Howard, T.P., Hague, J., Nelson, K., Heffelfinger, C., Romero, S., Kausch, A.P., Glauser, G., Acosta, I.F., Mottinger, J.P. and Dellaporta, S.L. (2016) Control of sexuality by the sk1-encoded UDP-glycosyltransferase of maize. Science Advances(AAAS) 2, no. 10, e1600991, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.1600991.
- Altpeter, F., Springer, N.M., Bartley, L.E., Blechl, A.E., Brutnell, T.P., Citovsky, V., Conrad, L.J., Gelvin, S.B., Jackson, D.P., Kausch, A.P., Lemaux, P.G., Medford, J.I., Orozco-Cárdenas, M.L., Tricoli, D.M., Van Eck, J., Voytas, D.F., Walbot, V., Wang, K., Zhang, Z.J. and Stewart, C.N. (2016) Advancing Crop Transformation in the Era of Genome Editing. Plant Cell28, pp. 1510-1520. doi: 10.1105/tpc.16.00196
- Kausch, A.P., Tilelli, M., Hague, J., Heffelfinger, C., Cunha, D., Moreno, M., Dellaporta, S.L. and Nelson K. (2016) In situembryo rescue for generation of wide intra- and interspecific hybrids of Panicum virgatum L. Plant Biotechnol. J., pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12573
- Heffelfinger, C., A. P. Deresienski, K. A. Nelson, M. A. Moreno, J. P. Hague, S. L. Dellaporta, and Kausch A.P. (2015) Genomic Characterization of Interspecific Hybrids and an Admixture Population Derived from Panicum amarum× virgatum. Plant Genome doi:10.3835/plantgenome2015.01.0001
- Howard T.P. III, Hayward A.P., Tordillos A., Fragoso C., Moreno M.A., Tohme J., Kausch, A.P., Mottinger J.P., and Dellaporta S.L. (2014) Identification of the Maize Gravitropism Gene lazy plant1by a Transposon-Tagging Genome Resequencing Strategy. PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087053
- Kausch, A.P., Deresienski, A., Hague, J., Tilelli, M., Dellaporta, S.L., Nelson, K. and Li, Y. (2013) Chapter 7 – Hybrid Plant Systems for Breeding and Gene Confinement in Bioenergy Crops. In: New and Future Developments in Catalysis (Suib, S.L. ed) pp. 141-171. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Joel P. Hague, Steven L. Dellaporta, Maria Moreno, Chip Longo, Kimberly Nelson, Albert P. Kausch (2012). Pollen Sterility – A Promising Approach to Gene Confinement and Breeding for Genetically Modified Bioenergy Crops. Agriculture 2, pp. 295-315. doi: 10.3390/agriculture2040295
- Male Sterility and Hybrid Plant Systems for Gene Confinement Albert P. Kausch, Joel Hague, Adam Deresienski, Michael Tilelli, Chip Longo Jr. and Kimberly Nelson. (2012) Male Sterility and Hybrid Plant Systems for Gene Confinement.Plant Gene Confinement.Melvin Oliver and Yi Li. Wiley-Blackwell John Wiley & Sons MA .
- Moon, H., J. Abercrombie, A. Kausch, and C. Stewart. (2010). Sustainable Use of Biotechnology for Bioenergy Feedstocks. Environ Manag46, pp. 531-538. doi:10.1007/s00267-010-9503-5
- Kausch, A. P., J. Hague, M. Oliver, Y. Li, H. Daniell, P. Mascia, Watrud L. S., and C. Neal Stewart Jr. 2010. Transgenic perennial biofuel feedstocks and strategies for bioconfinement. Biofuels1, pp. 163-176. doi: 10.4155/bfs.09.11
- Kausch, A.P., Hague, J., Oliver, M., Watrud, L.S., Mallory-Smith, C., Meier, V. and Stewart, C.N. (2010) Gene Flow in Genetically Engineered Perennial Grasses: Lessons for Modification of Dedicated Bioenergy Crops. In: Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-products(Mascia, P.N., Scheffran, J. and Widholm, J.M. eds), pp. 285-297. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Kausch, A.P., Hague, J., Oliver, M., Li, Y., Daniell, H., Mascia, P. and Stewart, C.N. (2010) Genetic Modification in Dedicated Bioenergy Crops and Strategies for Gene Confinement. In: Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-products(Mascia, P.N., Scheffran, J. and Widholm, J.M. eds), pp. 299-315. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Hong Luo, Jang-Yong Lee, Qian, Hu, Kimberly Nelson, Albert P. Kausch, Joel M. Chandlee, Tim K. Eitas, Collin Lickwar, Thomas K. Hodges (2006) RTS, an anther-specific gene isolated from rice is required for male fertility and its promoter sequence directs tissue-specific transcription in dicotyledonous species. Plant Mol Biol62, pp. 397-408. doi:10.1007/s11103-006-9031-0
- Qian Hu, Halina Kononowicz-Hodges, Kimberly Nelson-Vasilchik, David Viola, Peiyu Zeng, Haibo Liu, Albert P. Kausch, Joel M. Chandlee, Thomas K. Hodges, Hong Luo (2008) FLP-mediated site-specific recombination in rice. Plant Biotech J6, pp. 176-188. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2007.00310.x
Selected Recent Presentations in Meetings, Invited Lectures, Conferences and Symposia
- Kimberly Nelson, Joel Hague, Mike Tilelli, David Cunha, Lauren Mellen, Brett Kingsborough, Andrea Johnson, Lianne Perretta, and Albert P. Kausch* Project-based Laboratory Science in Plant Biotechnology: An Inquiry-driven Experiential Laboratory Learning Opportunity in Agricultural Biotechnology Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892 and 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston Rhode Island USA 02892 Plant Biology 2013, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), July 20-24, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
- Albert P. Kausch, Joel Hague, Lianne Perretta, and Kimberly Nelson. (2013) Agricultural Biotechnology: A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Module Covering in Simple Terms Basic Knowledge About DNA and Plant Biotechnology. Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892 and 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston Rhode Island USA 02892 Plant Biology 2013, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), July 20-24, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
- Joel Hague, Mike Tilelli, David Cunha, Kimberly Nelson and Albert Kausch (2013) In Situ Embryo Rescue as a Novel Method for Recovery of Non-GMO Hybrids from Wide Crosses. Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892 and 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston Rhode Island USA 02892 Plant Biology 2013, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), July 20-24, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
- Kimberly Nelson, Joel Hague, Mike Tilelli, David Cunha, Lauren Mellen, Brett Kingsborough, Andrea Johnson, Lianne Perretta, and Albert P. Kausch* A Delivery Platform for a Massive Open Online Course on Biotechnology Intended for a General Audience. (2013) Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892 and 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston Rhode Island USA 02892 The Society for In-Vitro Biology (SIVB) June, 2013, Providence, Rhode Island
- Adam Dersienski, Kimberly Nelson, Joel Hague, Mike Tilelli, David Cunha, , and Albert P. Kausch. Recovery of Intraspecific and Interspecific Hybrids in Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) via A Transgenic Herbicide Resistance Selectable Marker. (2013) Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892 The Society for In-Vitro Biology (SIVB) June, 2013, Providence, Rhode Island
- Kimberly Nelson, Joel Hague, Mike Tilelli, David Cunha, Lauren Mellen, Brett Kingsborough, Andrea Johnson, Lianne Perretta, and Albert P. Kausch. Laboratory Internships in Plant Biotechnology: An Inquiry-driven Experiential Learning Opportunity in Agricultural Biotechnology (2013) Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892; and 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston Rhode Island USA 02892 The Society for In-Vitro Biology (SIVB) June, 2013, Providence, Rhode Island
- Kimberly Nelson, Joel Hague, Mike Tilelli, David Cunha, Adam Dersienski, and Albert P. Kausch. A Novel Method for Recovery of Non-GMO Hybrids from Wide Crosses Using Transgenics as Bridge Intermediates. (2013) Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892 The Society for In-Vitro Biology (SIVB) June, 2013, Providence, Rhode Island
- Albert P. Kausch, Joel Hague, Mike Tilelli1, David Cunha, Lauren Mellen, Brett Kingsborough, Andrea Johnson1, Lianne Perretta, and Kimberly Nelson. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Bridging the Education Gap in the Post-Genomics Era. (2013) Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892 and 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston Rhode Island USA 02892 The Society for In-Vitro Biology (SIVB) June, 2013, Providence, Rhode Island
- Albert P. Kausch, Joel Hague, Mike Tilelli1, David Cunha, Lauren Mellen, Brett Kingsborough, Andrea Johnson1, Lianne Perretta, and Kimberly Nelson. Agriculture, Biotechnology and GMOs: Informing the Debate-A One Credit Educational OnLine Module (2013) 1Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI USA 02892; and 530 Liberty Lane West Kingston Rhode Island USA 02892 The Society for In-Vitro Biology (SIVB) June, 2013, Providence, Rhode Island
- Albert Kausch, (2013) Invited Speaker. Agriculture, Biotechnology, and GMOs: Informing the Debate Agricultural Biotechnology- An Educational Workshop. Department of Botany Connecticut College, new London CT. March 22,2013
- Albert Kausch. Invited Speaker. (2012) The use of synthetic male and female sterility for recovery of Non-Genetically Modified Hybrids from Wide Crosses. Department of Horticultural Science, North Carolina State University, Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, October 19, 2012
- Albert Kausch, (2012) Invited Speaker. Bioenergy: Genetic Improvement of Bioenergy Crops for Biofuels and Prospects for Artificial Photosynthesis. Department of Chemistry. Brown University, Providence Rhode Island. September 14, 2012
- Albert Kausch (2012) Invited Speaker. Bioenergy: Genetic Improvement of Bioenergy Crops for Biofuels. Department of Botany Connecticut College, new London CT. September 21, 2012
- Albert Kausch, A. Deresienski, J. Hague, M.Tilelli, K. Nelson (2012) Issues in Biotechnology: An Online General Education Undergraduate Course Covering Simple Terms Basic Knowledge About DNA and Biotechnology. Plant Biology 2012, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists, July 20-24, Austin, TX, USA.
- J. Hague, A. Deresienski, M.Tilelli, K. Nelson, A. Kausch (2012) The Analysis of Expression Characteristics of the Maize Pollen Specific Promoter MPSP Zm13 And A Strategy for Gene Confinement in Transgenic Bioenergy Crops. Plant Biology 2012, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists, July 20-24, Austin, TX, USA.
- A. Deresienski, K. Nelson, M.Tilelli, J. Hague, A. Kausch (2012) Use of a Herbicide Resistance Selectable Marker for Recovery of Intraspecific and Interspecific Hybrids in Switchgrass. Plant Biology 2012, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists, July 20-24, Austin, TX, USA.
- K. Nelson, A. Deresienski, M.Tilelli, J. Hague, A. Kausch (2012) A Project-based Undergraduate Internship Program in Agricultural Biotechnology. Plant Biology 2012, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists, July 20-24, Austin, TX, USA.
- M.Tilelli, K. Nelson, A. Deresienski, J. Hague, A. Kausch (2012) Use of a Selectable Marker for In Situ Embryo Rescue using Transgenic Switchgrass for Recovery of Wide Crosses. Plant Biology 2012, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists, July 20-24, Austin, TX, USA.
- A. Deresienski, K. Nelson, J. Hague, A.P. Kausch (2009) Male sterility as a method for constructing wide crosses and for gene confinement in switchgrass and other biofuels grasses. Plant Biology 2009, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists, July 18-22, Hawaii, USA.
- K. Nelson, J. Hague, A. Deresienski and A.P.Kausch. (2009) Improved methods for tissue culture and genetic transformation of switchgrass. Plant Biology 2009, Annual Meetings of the American Society of Plant Biologists, July 18-22, Hawaii, USA.
Selected Recent Patents (in various stages of issuance)
- Kausch AP, Hague, J, Deresienski, A, Tilelli, M, and Nelson, K. Inventors. 2013. The Use of Genetically Modified Plants for Recovery of Non-Genetically Modified Hybrids from Wide Crosses. United States Patent Application. Assignee; University of Rhode Island.
- Kausch AP, Hague, J, Deresienski, A, Tilelli, M, and Nelson, K. Inventors. 2013. In Situ Embryo Rescue as a Method for Recovery of Wide Crosses. United States Patent Application. Assignee; University of Rhode Island.
- Luo; Hong; Chandlee; Joel M.; Kausch; Albert P.; Oliver; Melvin J. , Inventors. 2011. Development of controlled total vegetative growth for prevention of transgene escape from genetically modified plants and for enhancing biomass production.. United States Patent Application Number 20100122366
- Albert P. Kausch and Peter Sellew 2011 Green Garlic and Methods of Production. US Patent Number 7,937,889, Issued May 10 2011
- Albert P. Kausch and Stephen Dellaporta, Inventors. 2011 Male and female sterility lines used to make hybrids in genetically modified plants. United States Patent Application. Assignee; University of Rhode Island.
- Kimberly Nelson; Longo, JR.; John P.; Kausch; Albert P.; Zilinskas; Barbara; Lakkaraju; Subha Prevention of transgene escape in genetically modified perennial plants. Luo; Hong; Hu; Qian; Vasilchik; Continuation in Part 2010. United States Patent Application Number 20100031387 Filed February 4, 2010
- Adams; Thomas R. Anderson; Paul C. Chambers; Sheryl A. Chomet; Paul S. Daines; Richard J., Flick; Christopher E., Glassman; Kimberly Gordon-Kamm; William J., Kausch; Albert P., Laccetti; Lucille B., Lemaux; Peggy G., Mackey; Catherine J., Mangano; Mary Lou, Mann; Michael T. O’Brien; James V. , Orozco; Emil M. ,Orr; Peter , Rice; Thomas B. Spencer; T. Michael, Start; William G., Stephens; Michael A., Vetsch; Clayton S. Walters; David A. Walters; Donald S. Willetts; Nancy G., Zachwieja; Susan J., Methods and compositions for the production of stably transformed, fertile monocot plants and cells thereof 2010. Assignee: Dekalb Genetics Corporation (Dekalb, IL) Appl. No.: 08/113,561 Filed August 25, 1993 US patent number 7,705,215
- Luo; Hong; Chandlee; Joel M.; Kausch; Albert P.; Oliver; Melvin J. Development of controlled total vegetative growth for prevention of transgene escape from genetically modified plants and for enhancing biomass production. 2009. United States Patent Application Number 20100122366
- Kausch, Albert, and Phillip Simon 2007 Chemoprotective food products from fresh green garlic active against human food-bourne pathogens. Albert Kausch and Phillip Simon, Inventors U.S. PCT No. 60/568,355, filed May 5, 2007.
- Kausch, Albert, and Phillip Simon 2007 Methods and Compositions for the Large scale commercial production of green garlic and methods of production. Albert Kausch and Phillip Simon, Inventors U.S. PCT No. 60/568,354, filed May 5, 2007
- N. Houmard, L. B. Laccetti, E M. Orozco, and Albert P. Kausch Maize chloroplast aldolase promoter compositions and methods for use thereof.” 2006 Assignee: DEKALB Plant Genetics US Patent Application No, 09/757,089 Assignee: Monsanto Corporation Patent No. 7,151,204 USA

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