URI Departmental Resources
Office for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, 401-874-9127
Online Education, 401-874-9127
Disability Services for Students, in the Dean of Students Office, 401-874-2098
Office of Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, and Diversity
Office of Admission
Parking and Transportation Services, 401-874-9281
Office of Capital Projects, 401-874-2725
Facilities Services (Control Center), 401-874-4060
Human Resource Administration, 401-874-2416
Office of Community Equity and Diversity, 401-874-7077
Department of Public Safety, 401-874-4910 (routine calls)
External Resources
3-Play Media Captioning: The Long Road From Reactive to Proactive
Americans with Disabilities Act 1990-2015
Transportation – Real-time updates for location of URI Shuttle system