Head and Neck Anatomy
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (PHT), CMD 440. Study of structure and function of human head and neck anatomy, supplemented by dissection laboratory. Emphasis on the musculoskeletal, visceral, nervous, and vascular systems related to dental hygiene and communicative disorders. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2)
Human Anatomy and Histology
(5 crs.) Structure and function of human anatomy as related to physical therapy. Emphasis on musculoskeletal, visceral, nervous and vascular systems and tissue histology. Functional changes after injury will be emphasized. (Lec. 4, Lab. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT or permission of the chairperson.
Applied Human Anatomy Laboratory
(2 crs.) Surface anatomy and basic skills for screening and examination of the musculoskeletal, integumentary and sensory systems of the body. (Lab. 4) Pre: DPT student or early contingent admit DPT or permission of the chairperson.
Introduction to Physical Therapy
(1 cr.) Introduction to the profession of physical therapy including concepts related to disability, rehabilitation, evidence based practice, models of care and introduction to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. Characteristics and history of the profession and professional expectations for practitioners will be included. (Lec. 1) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, or permission of the chairperson.
Psychosocial Issues in Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) Behavioral and psychosocial issues relevant in physical therapy practice. Patient's perception of care and interactions in the health care environment. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT or permission of the chairperson.
Movement Science for Physical Therapy
(5 crs.) Fundamental concepts and principles of human movement, including biomechanics, arthrokinematics, neuromuscular properties, and motor control theories. (Lec. 5) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 500 and PHT 501 or permission of the chairperson.
Human Neuroscience and Neurology
(5 crs.) Cross-listed as (PHT) NEU 511. Anatomy, functional anatomy, dysfunction and evaluation of the human nervous system as a basis for understanding its morphology, function, and therapeutic intervention. (Lec. 4, Lab. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 552 or permission of the chairperson, or matriculated in the INP.
Physical Examination and Evaluation I
(3 crs.) Provides students with basic skills for physical examination and evaluation in the provision of physical therapy. Focus will be on strength testing, range of motion, and sensation (Lec. 3) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 500 or permission of the chairperson.
Directed Study in Physical Therapy
(1-3 crs.) Subject matter arranged to meet the individual needs of graduate students in physical therapy under the supervision of staff. (Independent Study) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, or permission of the chairperson
Communication and Education in Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) Topics include teaching and learning strategies for classroom and clinical settings, communication skills, working with interpreters, documentation in the electronic medical record (EMR), and strategies for telehealth. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 508, concurrent enrollment with PHT 537 and PHT 544, or permission of the chairperson.
Physical Examination and Evaluation II
(4 crs.) A continuum of PHT 512, this course will cover posture, functional mobility, gait, balance, assistive devices, wheelchair fitting, and home evaluation. Practice of basic skills through course content using role modeling and patient cases. (Lec. 4) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 512, PHT 510, PHT 501, PHT 508 or permission of the chairperson
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Physical Therapy
(3 crs.) Practice standards, interdisciplinary issues, ethical considerations, and legal implications of physical therapy practice. Professional development, expert practice, doctoring professions, informed consent, patient rights, standards of practice, advanced directives, malpractice, domestic violence, child and elder abuse. (Lec. 3) Pre: DPT student in good standing or permission of the chairperson.
Physical Agents
(4 crs.) Theory, practice, and current research regarding application of physical agents. Diagnostic methods, interventions, and personnel supervision and administration of mechanical, thermal, and hydrotherapeutic agents. (Lec. 2, Lab. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 500, or permission of the chairperson.
Advanced Pathophysiology
(3 crs.) Cross-listed as (NUR), PHT 535. An in-depth study of pathophysiological phenomena across the life span from the biological life processes perspective. Clinical decision making based on the synthesis of this knowledge and current research findings will be explored. (Lec. 3) Pre: for nursing students: admission to graduate program in nursing or permission of instructor; PHT 500 and 1st year standing in the D.P.T. program for physical therapy students.
Pathophysiology: Implications for Physical Therapy
(3 crs.) This course provides an overview of pathophysiology across the life span from the biological life processes perspective. Pathophysiology across body systems in relation to physical therapy practice is emphasized. (Lec. 3) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT and PHT 512, concurrent enrollment with PHT 570, or permission of the chairperson.
Management Theory in Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) An overview of health policy and management theory and its relationship to health care settings. Competent managers need to have a comprehensive understanding of how health care delivery is regulated. This topic will be covered in relationship to third party reimbursement, state regulations, health policy formulation roles of government and politics in health care. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, concurrent enrollment with PHT 518 and PHT 544, or permission of the chairperson.
Management and Administration in Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) Practical managerial and supervisory techniques and theory in physical therapy settings with emphasis on application in a variety of settings are presented. Topics: strategic planning, consultation, performance improvement, professional development planning, resumes and interviews, management, and performance appraisal, the health care continuum, budgeting, productivity, outcomes and patient satisfaction. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 537 or permission of the chairperson.
Management and Administration in Physical Therapy
(3 crs.) Practical managerial and supervisory techniques with emphasis on their application in a variety of settings. Topics covered include: health policy development, third party reimbursement and billing, strategic planning, performance improvement, professional development planning, resumes and interviews, human resource management and performance appraisal, budgeting, measuring productivity, measuring outcomes, and patient satisfaction. (Lec. 3) Pre: Enrollment in DPT program, or by permission of instructor.
Health Promotion and Policy for Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) Addresses theories and research on health promotion, public policy, and health delivery models and the role of physical therapists at the population, organizational and individual levels. Content includes health behavior and health education. (Online) Pre: DPT student in good standing or by permission of the chairperson.
Health Promotion in Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) Provides physical therapy students with an understanding of their role in wellness and health promotion across systems and the lifespan. Content includes health behavior and health education. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 536, concurrent enrollment with PHT 518 and PHT 537, or permission of the chairperson.
Topics in Physical Therapy - Gender Issues
(2 crs.) Introduction to physical therapy issues specific to gender health throughout the life cycle. Topics include physical therapy management of pelvic and genitourinary health. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 552, or permission of the chairperson.
Musculoskeletal Therapeutics I: The Extremities
(5 crs.) Physical therapy management of individuals with, and the prevention of: impaired joint mobility, motor function, muscle performance, range of motion, and reflex integrity associated with musculoskeletal dysfunction in the extremities. (Lec. 5) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 501, PHT 508, PHT 510, PHT 512, PHT 532, or permission of the chairperson.
Musculoskeletal Therapeutics II: The Spine
(5 crs.) Physical Therapy management of individuals with, and the prevention of, impaired joint mobility, motor function, muscle performance, range of motion, and reflex integrity associated with musculoskeletal dysfunction in the spine. (Lec. 5) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 522 PHT 536, PHT 550, PHT 570, PHT 655 or permission of the chairperson.
Neuromuscular Therapeutics
(5 crs.) Physical therapy management of individuals with, and the prevention of, impaired motor function and sensory integrity associated with neuromuscular dysfunction. (Lec. 5) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 511, PHT 544, PHT 586, PHT 672, PHT 545, PHT 518 and concurrent enrollment with PHT 592 or permission of the chairperson.
Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy
(4 crs.) Physiological basis, testing and evaluation, treatment, and administration of programs for cardiac and pulmonary-diseased patients requiring physical therapy. (Lec. 4) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 501, PHT 508, PHT 512, concurrent enrollment with PHT 536, or permission of the chairperson.
Sports Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) Advanced knowledge and competency in sports injury evaluation and treatment are developed. Additional coverage of sports injury prevention, athletic screening, medical intervention, interdisciplinary coordination, and patient or public education is provided. (Lec. 1, Lab. 3) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 552 or permission of the chairperson.
Physical Therapy Internship I
(4 crs.) Assignment to various clinical settings that provide supervised experiences with practicing physical therapists and support personnel. Specific setting and rotational time schedule are determined by the student, academic clinical coordinator, and clinical site. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 605 or permission of the chairperson.
Broadening: Outreach & Interprofessional Experiences
(1 cr.) First-year DPT students will participate in service, outreach and interprofessional experiences. Second-year DPT students will take a leadership and develop a final project as they participate in service, outreach, and interprofessional activities. (Practicu) Pre: PHT 518 or permission of the chairperson. S/U credit.
Pediatric Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) Physical therapy assessment, care planning, and treatment of the pediatric population in diverse practice settings. Some hands-on experience with infants and children with a variety of diagnoses. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 511 or permission of the chairperson.
Physical Therapy Internship II
(4 crs.) Assignment to various clinical settings that provide supervised experiences with practicing physical therapists and support personnel. Specific setting and rotational time schedule are determined by the student, academic clinical coordinator, and clinical site. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 575 or permission of the chairperson. S/U credit.
Physical Therapy in Geriatric Populations
(2 crs.) Geriatric and aging issues related to physical therapy practice. Evaluation and treatment strategies for disorders affecting adults, including biology, cognition, and motor function. Exposure to geriatric populations. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 522 or permission of the chairperson.
Interprofessional Comprehensive Cases
(2 crs.) Cross-curricular integration of physical therapy evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, intervention and outcome assessment applied to complex cases. Consideration of modifications necessary for different stages of development/age, different cultures, and across the continuum of care. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 511, PHT 518, PHT 544, PHT 545, PHT 586, PHT 672, concurrent enrollment with PHT 560 or permission of the chairperson.
Physical Therapy Internship III
(4 crs.) Assignment to various clinical settings that provide supervised experiences with practicing physical therapists and support personnel. Selection of clinical specialty area of student's interest is considered in determination of the setting. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 585 or permission of the chairperson. S/U credit.
Foundations of Evidence-Based Practice
(3 crs.) Presentation and application of principles of evidence-based practice as related to current physical therapy practice, theory development, and scientific literature. Preparation of proposal through literature review. (Lec. 3) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 500 or permission of the chairperson.
Special Topics and Professional Preparation in Physical Therapy
(2 crs.) Integration of the art and science of physical therapy with the delivery of services. Comprehensive review of systems, including evaluation and interventions as they relate to physical therapy. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 560, PHT 592 or permission of the chairperson.
Evidence-Based Inquiry I
(1-2 crs.) Introduces the student to the concept of evidence based inquiry and its importance in the physical therapy profession. Initial stages of an evidence-based inquiry project formulated with the guidance of a faculty advisor. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 600 or permission of the chairperson. S/U credit.
Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) I
(1 cr.) Provides students with early opportunities to apply their academic knowledge and skill in the clinical setting under the supervision of a physical therapist/clinical instructor. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 500 or permission of the chairperson. (S/U only)
Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) II
(1 cr.) Provides students with early opportunities to apply their academic knowledge and skill in the clinical setting under the supervision of a physical therapist/clinical instructor. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 611 or permission of the chairperson . (S/U only)
Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) III
(1 cr.) Provides students with early opportunities to apply their academic knowledge and skill in the clinical setting under the supervision of a physical therapist/clinical instructor. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 612 or permission of the chairperson. (S/U only)
Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE) IV
(1 cr.) Provides students with early opportunities to apply their academic knowledge and skill in the clinical setting under the supervision of a physical therapist/clinical instructor. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 613 or permission of the chairperson. (S/U only)
Evidence-Based Inquiry II
(3 crs.) Guides the student through the refinement and focusing of a previously identified multiphase inquiry project in which evidence is the critical feature. Identification of target audience, delineation of scope of evidence to be gathered occurs along with initial evidence collection. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 610 or permission of the chairperson. S/U credit.
Evidence-Based Inquiry III
(3 crs.) Final data gathering, analysis/synthesis, and documentation aspects of a multiphase inquiry project in which evidence is the critical feature. Statistical analysis and literature synthesis are potential techniques to be utilized. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 620 or permission of the chairperson. S/U credit.
Physical Therapy Capstone
(1 cr.) Provides the student with the opportunity to formally present the culminating findings of their research or leadership project to the faculty and peers. A comprehensive guide will be followed to summarize the work performed in PHT 610, PHT 620, and PHT 630. (Practicum) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 630 or permission of the chairperson. S/U credit.
Elective Topics Related To Physical Therapy
(1-2 crs.) Instruction, observation, seminar and/or participation in a variety of topics related to Physical Therapy. (Lec. 1-2) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 552 or permission of the chairperson. S/U grades only.
Diagnostic Imaging
(2 crs.) Referral and interpretation of diagnostic images relevant in musculoskeletal assessment and management. Radiologic anatomy, normal variants, and pathological and traumatic conditions reviewed. CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography, angiography addressed. (Lec. 2) Pre: DPT student in good standing or early contingent admit DPT, PHT 501, PHT 510 or permission of the chairperson.
Pharmacology for Physical Therapists
(2 crs.) Pharmacological actions, interventions, and interactions that physical therapists encounter in their treatment of patients undergoing physical rehabilitation. Drug administration appropriate to physical therapy practice. (Lec. 2/Online) Pre: DPT student in good standing, PHT 536 or permission of the chairperson.
Doctoral Dissertation Research
(1-12 crs.) Number of credits is determined each semester in consultation with the major professor or program committee. (Independent Study). S/U credit.