
Ashley Foley
Director, Pre-Health Professions

Drop-In’s: Mondays 11AM – 12PM Zoom

Pre-Health Peer Advisors

Pre-Health Peer Advisors (PHPA’s) are available to tell you how they got involved in various activities, share study strategies, or answer any question you might have from a student’s perspective. Feel free to reach out to any of the ambassadors below at any time!

Coming soon: a Brightspace page dedicated to Pre-Health guidance, curriculum guides and a space for questions and answers.

Ambassador Bios

  • Bhavya Chatragadda, ’25 - Pre-Medical. Cell and Molecular Biology-Microbiology and Neuroscience majors; Honors Program.
  • Lindsay Turgeon, ’25 - Pre-Physician Assistant. Biological Sciences major; Honors Program.
  • Nikita Noyes-Martel, ’25 - Pre-Medical. Biology major; Honors Program.
  • Joseph Confessore Joey Confessore, ’25 - Pre-Medical. Biomedical Engineering Major; Chemistry minor; Honors Program.
  • Lohith Chatragadda ’26 - Pre-Medical. Neuroscience, Cell and Molecular Biology, Honors Program.
  • Matt Paolella ’26 - Majors: Cell & Molecular Biology (Biochemistry track) and Finance; Minors: Leadership Studies, Chemistry.
  • Annabella Giovingo Mino ’26 - Kinesiology, Honors Program
  • Brianna Boeckeler ’26 - Pre-Dental. Majors: Biological Sciences (B.S.) and Psychology (B.A.); Minor:Leadership Studies; Honors Program
  • Nikki Fernando ’26 - Pre-Medical. Neuroscience.
  • Lauren Kalfus - Pre-Health Focus: Registered Nurse and eventually Nurse PractitionerMajor: Nursing with a minor in SpanishEmail: Activities President of Sigma Kappa, College of Nursing Ambassador, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society member, College of Nursing Peer Mentor Advice: Managing your time well and staying on top of your work will help you control your stress a lot, […]
  • Matthew Potvin, ’27 - PharmD (currently applying to the URI MBA program) Activities  I currently work as a Pharmacy Intern at CVS Health. At the University, I serve as a College of Pharmacy Rambassador, where I help promote admission efforts and support transfer student initiatives. Additionally, I am one of the newest pre-health advisors, working to further integrate […]