Health Profession School Directories
MSAR: Medical School Admission Requirements
– Search through a list of all allopathic MD programs in the US, along with average MCAT and GPA scores for all admitted students
– Subscription cost: $28 for 1 year; $36 for 2 years
Choose DO Explorer (DO programs; free)
ADEA Dental School Explorer (subscription cost: $35
Help with Application Services
Slides from April 25 Meeting
Click here to view the slides >>
HPAC Dossier and Supporting Materials
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of Recommendation can be submitted below by selecting the box titled “Submit a Letter of Recommendation. Important note: all letters should be on a PDF, on official letterhead, with an official signature.
SUBMIT A Letter of Recommendation LOR WAIVER FORMApplicant Data
Includes URI applicant data as well as national data for MD and DO school admission.
VIEW THE DATATest Preparation: Free and Low Cost Resources
Creating Your MCAT Exam Study Plan
AAMC Free Planning and Study Resources
AAMC MCAT Official Prep Free Practice Exam
Free: Kahn Academic MCAT prep materials (available through 2026)
Free: Kaplan Test Prep Free Practice Bundle*
Free: Blueprint Test Prep Free MCAT Exam & Other Resources*
* Disclaimer: URI Pre-Health Advising’s goal is to provide as much free or low-cost MCAT test prep materials as possible. Sometimes free resources are offered by for-profit test prep companies; we have posted links to the free materials offered by these companies strictly as a convenience to URI students and alumni planning to take the MCAT. These companies often provide free resources to promote their fee-for-service products. URI Pre-Health Advising does not endorse any particular test prep company and we urge all potential test-takers to thoroughly research test-prep products from private test-prep companies before purchasing them.