URI-Brown Early Identification Program

The Early Identification Program (EIP) is a cooperative venture between Alpert Medical School at Brown University and the University of Rhode Island. It is open to juniors from Rhode Island who show exceptional promise for admission to medical school and who are a good fit for the program.

Successful applicants are offered provisional admission to the Alpert Medical School of Brown University pending completion of their undergraduate degree and other conditions.


To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a Rhode Island resident and graduate of a RI high school
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.50 (though successful candidates often have higher GPAs)
  • Have completed at least four full semesters of study at URI
  • Still have at least three semesters of undergraduate study to complete at URI

This early contingent admission route is highly competitive. Applicants with the greatest chance of success are exceptionally motivated and well qualified for medical school.

What does the Admission Committee at Brown look for?

Individuals admitted to Alpert-Brown via the EIP will be able to demonstrate through their academic work, extracurricular activities, and life experiences some combination of the following:

  • Strong commitment to the local community
  • An exceptional understanding of and motivation for medicine
  • Academic performance in college indicating very high aptitude for success in studying medicine
  • Unique life experiences that enrich a candidate’s understanding of medicine or medically underserved populations

The Nomination Process

2024 Application timeline-PDF

In October of each year, eligible students must apply in writing to the URI Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC) for nomination to this program. In mid-late fall semester, HPAC conducts a careful evaluation of each student’s academic and personal qualifications, including a personal interview. Based on the criteria noted above, the Committee nominates students for the program and forwards a complete application and a letter of evaluation for each nominee to the Brown-Alpert Admission Committee.

Only students recommended by the URI Health Professions Advisory Committee are eligible to apply to the URI-Brown Early Identification Program.

Following review of the application, the Admission Committee invites its most highly rated applicants (those who show exceptional promise for medical school and who are a good fit for the program) for an interview at Brown. Following interviews, the Admission Committee informs candidates of its decision.

For more information, contact Andrew Simmons, HPAC Chair and Director of Pre-Health Professions Advising.