Samuel Gaston ’23

What surprised me most about URI is the learning outcomes. People tend to think that the only way to receive quality education is to attend the powerhouse Ivy League schools. I can personally attest that an education at URI along with some ambition will bring you far.

My advice to current students is this: don’t box yourself in. There are so many career paths to explore in the Health Studies major, keep your options open and your passion will reveal itself. The greatest strength of this major is that the knowledge you receive will be very broad. No matter where you decide to go once you’ve completed your degree, you’ll be well prepared for a career in the health industry.

During my time at URI, I had the opportunity to assist in research, study abroad in Indonesia during J-Term, and even play intramural basketball and flag football. I did all of this while working a full time job and living off campus, so there is definitely room for getting involved at URI!

My next step is starting my graduate program. In Fall 2023, I will begin at the Boston University School of Public Health, working towards my master’s degree.