Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
Rhode Island IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (RI-INBRE) is pleased to announce the 2025 RIINBRE New England Institute of Technology Training Award Program (NEIT-TAP). The RI-INBRE NEIT-TAP aims to develop biomedical research capacity in the NEIT community by providing grants to support student research training, faculty research program development, and research-based curriculum development. Outcomes of this funding are expected to include augmenting NEIT’s biomedical research infrastructure and enhancing NEIT
curricula with faculty/students experimenting with learning models.
The 2025 RI-INBRE NEIT-TAP provides two funding opportunities, including a Student Training Award and a Sabbatical Training and Curriculum Development Award, which are outlined below. All application materials are due by 11:59 pm on Monday March 17, 2025.
Eligibility: All full-time NEIT faculty with biomedical research interests are encouraged to apply. Note that RIINBRE funds researchers in a wide variety of biomedical science-related fields, including biology, chemistry, and
engineering. Faculty from other academic backgrounds are also welcome to apply. We strongly encourage applications from individuals from underrepresented groups.
Contact: For questions, please contact RI-INBRE Program Coordinator Dr. Brett Pellock at or Darlene Noret, NEIT Assistant Provost for Academic Affairs at and NEIT representative on the RI-INBRE Executive Committee.
Application Materials: Applicants should complete the online NEIT-TAP Fellowship Application: The application requires the following materials:
• A Student Training Award or Sabbatical Training and Curriculum Development Award proposal.
• A current curriculum vitae
• A letter of support from the department chair
NEIT Student Training Award
The NEIT-STAR Fellowship program aims to support faculty with an active research program to mentor students who are actively performing research with that investigator. This award mechanism is meant to provide up to three students with an intensive, hands-on research training experience. Different training models are possible if the program includes at least ten weeks of intensive research training. This could be full-time research during a summer term or 10-15 hours per week of research involvement during an academic ‘Quarter’ term. Student trainees must present their work at both the RI-INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium and the NEIT Innovation Expo. Students can also present at other conferences of their choice.
Funding Period: One year 5/1/2025 – 4/30/2026
Award Funding: Up to $25000 to support student compensation, supplies, and faculty compensation up to $2700 per student trained. Investigators applying for a NEIT Student Training Award should prepare a 1–2 page proposal describing:
Supported by the Rhode Island Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Network of Biomedical Research Excellence from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P20GM103430.1) The nature of their research program
2) Their student recruitment and training plan
3) Outcomes of the research program
4) A budget and brief budget justification
NEIT Sabbatical Training and Curriculum Development Award
The goal of the Sabbatical Training and Curriculum Development Award program is to provide sabbatical-eligible faculty a professional development opportunity during their faculty sabbatical to incorporate biomedical research content into their courses and stimulate establishing a research program that involves student training. Potential proposals under this mechanism include developing a new course or enhancing the curriculum of an existing course, learning new biomedical research techniques that will be incorporated into a course, creating new biomedical classroom or laboratory teaching modules, etc. Funds can be used to purchase teaching and laboratory equipment to enhance student learning opportunities at NEIT. Faculty in the NEIT sabbatical program are encouraged to connect with a mentor at another RI-INBRE network institution to gain hands-on experience,
identify equipment to purchase for NEIT classrooms or laboratories, and discuss incorporating research content into the classroom and lab environment. RI-INBRE can assist in determining a mentor if desired. A final report outlining the fellowship experience, knowledge gained, and products of the sabbatical fellowship will be due at the end of the program.
Funding Period: One Quarter, 5/1/2025 – 4/30/2026
Award Funding: Up to $5000, Determined in consultation with Brett Pellock, RI-INBRE Program Coordinator
Faculty applying for a Sabbatical Training and Curriculum Development Award should prepare a 1–2 page proposal describing:
1) An overview of your teaching background and interests, including what types of courses you have
previously taught at NEIT and beyond.
2) A brief overview of the potential teaching/curriculum proposal you would like to work on. Provide as much detail as necessary to allow RI-INBRE to help in matching you with a mentor if needed.
3) Potential departments, mentors, and/or RI institutions you plan to work with (if applicable). 4) The outcomes and impacts of the curriculum development proposal.
5) A budget and brief budget justification