Previous News 2017

Dr. Victoria Templer & Keith Lee ’18, Providence College Podcast: Cutting-edge Research on Memory. They, along with other students, completed an incredible research study this year that showed that rats possess “metamemory” at the Animal Science & Cognition Lab (Sep 2017).

Dr. Samantha MeenachUniversity of R.I., and Dr. Mary O’Keefe, Providence College, were 2 of 23 professors awarded the Faculty Fellowship Award in Israel. The program’s goal is to develop collaborations, research projects, co-authoring articles, & establish exchange programs between university faculty & students in the U.S. & Israel.

URI hosts 10th Annual SURF Conference Highlighting Research in Rhode Island on July 28, 2017

Dr. Victoria Templer, Providence College, is interviewed on National Public Radio: From Rats To Humans, A Brain Knows When It Can’t Remember(July, 2017).

Dr. Victoria Templer & Keith Lee ’18, Providence College Podcast: Cutting-edge Research on Memory at the Animal Science & Cognition Lab (July 2017).

Dr. Seann P. Mulcahy, Providence College Podcast: Balancing Research, Scholarship, & Teaching (June 2017).

RI IDeA Symposium was held on June 2nd at the Alpert Medical School.

RI-INBRE provides funding for 100 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) at seven participating Research Institutions!

Dr. Jennifer Van Reet, Providence College Podcast: Kid Think (January 2017)

Discovering new paths, & invaluable advisors, through Mentor Match. Featuring Amber Thomas (’18 Bryant), Seeram Lab 2017

Paid undergraduate research positions hone skills, define careers. Featuring Dana Blasi (’19 Bryant), Lacey Lab 2017

Rachel Carley’s (URI PharmD) DNA research wins ‘Think Big’ award: Her work could one day contribute to a cancer cure! Rachel is currently researching DNA repair in Dr. Bongsup Cho’s lab.