NERIC 2021 Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks will be held in lieu of poster sessions at the 2021 North East Regional IDeA Conference (NERIC) and are an opportunity for trainees* to share short engaging presentations focusing on key points of research. Prior to the conference, presenters will prepare a 3-minute talk using one graphical abstract-style slide/figure or up to three slides.

‘Best NERIC/NAIPI Lightning Talk’ and ‘Best DRIVEN Translational Research Talk’ Cash Awards are available.
A $500 cash award will be issued to one awardee in each of the three trainee* categories, for the trainees who present during the Lightning Talk Session (6 awards total), sponsored by NERIC/NAIPI (National Association of IDeA Principal Investigators) and DRIVEN (The Northeast’s New Biomedical Accelerator Hub) respectively.

*undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral scholars