Robotic Sample Preparation
Wafergen Apollo 324 NGS Library Preparation System
The Apollo 324 is a benchtop system that automates next-generation sequence (NGS) library preparation workflows by using bead technology to execute high-performance isolation and purification of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA, plasmid and so on) and proteins. The system automates end-repair, A-tail addition, adapter ligation and final double-bead-based cleanup and size selection. The Apollo 324 enables simultaneous processing of one to eight samples, with batch processing for 32 samples at a time. Up to eight samples can be prepared in approximately four hours, yielding products ready for amplification or direct sequencing, and a batch of 32 libraries can be created in less than eight hours.
- Samples per run: 1–8 or 32
- Throughput/day: 16 samples: 2 runs of 8 samples | 32 samples: 1 run of 32 samples
- Run time: 1–8 samples: ~ 3.5 hours | 32 samples: ~ 7 hours
- Setup time: 1–8 samples: ~ 15 minutes | 32 samples: ~ 1 hour
- Temperature control: 2 Peltier-type blocks (4–95 °C), PID regulated
- Magnetic capture: In-tip capture
- Plate format: 96-well, SBS conforming