Industry Affiliate ACS Industries

One of the current foci of ACS Industries Inc. is manufacturing components for water electrolysis and steam methane reformation systems. The global company, established in 1939, is headquartered in Lincoln, Rhode Island, and is in its fourth generation of family leadership with actively involved owners.

Dr. Timothy Davenport is the Senior Electrochemical Engineer at ACS and shared “I am leading research efforts at ACS Industries to develop novel technologies for water electrolysis applications. To support growth in this business, we are rapidly expanding our research capabilities in chemistry and materials engineering with a focus on coatings, corrosion, and contamination. We were drawn to the CRCF to help us rapidly ramp up our testing capabilities for trace contamination using ICP-MS and UV-Vis spectroscopy.” The ICP-MS (inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry) system at the CRCF allows him to detect trace amounts of elements down to ppb levels, while he is able to use the ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer to develop novel rapid contamination tests that could be implemented in production.