The impact of e-cigarette vapor on the pulmonary stress response

Investigator: Amanda Jamieson, Brown University Mentor: Jack Elias, Brown University Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology and Cancer Abstract: While the effect of tobacco smoke on the lung is well documented, virtually nothing is known about the molecular toxicology and cancer risk of e-cigarettes. These devices are becoming increasingly popular, but the long-term impact on public health […]

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Regulation of dsDNA translocation during transcription-coupled DNA repair

Investigator: Alexandra Deaconescu, Brown University Mentor: Rebecca Page, Brown University Scientific Theme: Cancer and Molecular Toxicology Abstract: In the last decade, ATP-dependent dsDNA translocases remodeling protein-nucleic acid assemblies have emerged as key players for cellular physiology, having been implicated in pervasive diseases such as cancer, diabetes as well as neurodegeneration and accelerated aging. A case […]

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The impact of cellular NAD metabolism on antifungal toxicity

Investigator: Peter Belenky, Brown University Mentor: Richard Bennett, Brown University Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology Abstract: Amphotericin B and other fungicidal antifungals induce significant toxicity in mammalian cells that limit their therapeutic dose. In both fungal and mammalian cells amphotericin B stimulates a progressive cellular death pathway leading to DNA damage and cellular death. Modulating DNA […]

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Understanding prey range and predation efficiency in predatory bacteria

Investigator: Laura Williams, Providence College Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology Abstract: Predatory bacteria are bacteria that attack and digest other bacteria. For example, the predator Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus invades and digests Gram-negative prey such as Pseudomonas species. Predation has evolved independently multiple times in bacteria, but only a few species of predatory bacteria are well­ characterized. Pilot […]

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Selective toxicity of arylphosphonium salts for cancer cells FAGS and ATP assays

Investigator: John Williams Jr., Rhode Island College Scientific Theme: Cancer and Molecular Toxicology Abstract: Arylphosphonium salts (APS) are cytotoxic lipophilic cations that can cross cell membranes.  They show SAR’s for DNA binding in electrophoresis. Computational models indicate both electrostatic and intercalation binding.  They are antibacterial and antifungal by unknown mechanism(s).  Some are active against cancer cells […]

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Investigation of aberrant sodium channels and mTOR activity in melanoma cells

Investigator: Yinsheng Wan, Providence College Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: Melanoma is a disease that is extremely aggressive and yet lack of cure. The cellular and molecular mechanism of the aggressiveness remains to be fully elucidated. Our previous studies have shown that melanoma cells exhibit constitutive mTOR activity that may be associated with aggressiveness. However, the […]

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Risks and benefits of consuming Rhode Island coastal marine fishes 

Investigator: David Taylor, Roger Williams University Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology Abstract: Fish are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids that provide numerous health benefits to human consumers. However, contaminant concentrations in some fish may be sufficiently high to adversely affect human health. For example, methylmercury (MeHg) is a toxic environmental contaminant that poses significant […]

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Antibacterial Ugi-derived terminal alkynes: evaluation of mechanism of action

Investigator: Christopher Reid, Bryant University Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology Abstract: The microbial glycome contains numerous attractive targets for antibiotic discovery. The mesh-like heteropolymer that surrounds all bacterial cells (with the exception of the mycoplasma), peptidoglycan (PG), confers strength, support, and shape to bacteria, as well as resistance to internal turgor pressure. Maintaining the integrity of […]

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Visual attention to faces when making rapid judgments of traits

Investigator: Thomas Malloy, Rhode Island College Scientific Theme: Neuroscience Abstract: A basic finding in social psychology is that people make social judgments of others very rapidly; within three seconds of exposure to an individual. One basis for these judgments is the degree to which one’s physical features deviate from the average features for a racial […]

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Understanding Effects of N-terminal acetylation on protein aggregation & function

Investigator: William Holmes, Rhode Island College Mentor: Gerald Jogl, Brown University Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology Abstract: Neurodegenerative diseases cause the gradual loss of neuronal function and eventual cellular death, leading to diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s. Over 6 million Americans are currently afflicted with neurodegenerative diseases and as the population ages, cases of neurodegenerative […]

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