Assessing the lower bounds of verb comprehension

Investigator: Beverly Ann Goldfield, Rhode Island College Scientific Theme: Neuroscience Abstract: The specific aim of this proposal is to examine the lower bounds of verb comprehension using modifications of the Preferential Looking Task (PLT) methodology. The PLT measures word comprehension by comparing visual gaze to two images (target/distracter) displayed on a computer monitor before (baseline […]

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Biochemical and ecological approaches for managing amebiasis

Investigator: Avelina Espinosa, Roger Williams University Scientific Theme: Molecular Toxicology Abstract: Anaerobic pathogens have acquired traits to survive and thrive in host guts. Understanding their adaptations to the luminal environment will provide the critical knowledge necessary to develop new drugs and better treatments of infectious diseases. This research proposes combining structural/biochemical analyses of anaerobic enzymes […]

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Genetic Characterization of Programmed Cell Death in Aneuploid Yeast Cells

Investigator: Nicanor Austraco, Providence College Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: One of the most striking characteristics of cancer genomes is whole chromosome aneuploidy, the presence of more or fewer than the typical species-typical diploid number. Another characteristic of cancer cells is their ability to evade programmed cell death. It is still not clear if there is […]

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Regulation of phosphoribosyltransferase type II subfamily: NAMPT, QPRT and NAPRT

Investigator: Karen H. Almeida, Rhode Island College Scientific Theme: Cancer Abstract: NAD+ is essential for life and therefore must be strictly regulated. It is the cofactor used in cell energy production and metabolism by providing electrons required for redox reactions. However, NAD+ is also consumed by enzymes such as poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases (PARP) and Sirtuins. Imbalance in NAD+ […]

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