CRCF Update 2020

The Centralized Research Core Facility (CRCF) can get congested as students, post-docs, and faculty use instruments in close quarters. In the time of COVID-19, it was not possible to allow that the same level of congestion, so we changed the arrangement of the CRCF. To spread things out, we moved the benches against the outside wall to create a wide, one-way, main aisle through the CRCF. The aisle space between instrument benches was also widened and we allow only one person at a time to work in each instrument aisle.  Because of their small size, our microscope and cell culture rooms were designated as single-user rooms.  To clean our work benches, the CRCF has placed containers of disinfectant spray on each instrument bench so users can clean their work areas. We continue to provide plastic wrap for covering computer mice and keyboards.