Fall newsletter 2024 SURF Survey Results

SURF 2024 Program and Survey Results

The 2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program ran from May 22 through July 26, 2024 and involved students from all nine partner institutions conducting research. SURF students were selected through a cohort system, with students researching at the University of Rhode Island (URI), Brown University, and affiliated primary undergraduate institutions (PUIs) such as Bryant University, Providence College, Salve Regina University, Roger Williams University, and Rhode Island College. Additionally, students from the SURF Affiliates cohort, nominated by faculty mentors, participated in various programming without direct financial support from RI-INBRE.

Recruitment efforts for the URI/Brown SURF cohort were comprehensive, including advertisements on the RI-INBRE website, campus flyers, email campaigns to target students, and social media outreach. Of the 126 applicants, 36 students were selected for the URI/Brown cohort, while 85 students were chosen for the PUI/Affiliates cohort. Key demographics for the 2024 participants show 66% were women, 27% from underrepresented backgrounds, and 31% first-generation college students.

SURF students engaged in various training programs during their orientation, including lab safety, hazardous waste management, and responsible research conduct. Throughout the summer, they also attended workshops focused on developing research skills, such as lab notebooks, communicating science, and creating research posters, along with career-oriented workshops like resume building and graduate school applications.

At the end of the program, students showcased their research during the Rhode Island Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium (RI-SURS) on July 28, 2024. A total of 119 students presented their research to an audience that included university administrators, faculty, industry representatives, and the public.

Bridges to Graduate School Program The Bridges program supports former SURF students enrolled in biomedical graduate programs at URI or Brown. In 2024, three students were supported, allowing them to conduct full-time research in their mentor’s lab before beginning graduate studies.

SURF+ Program The SURF+ program, now in its third year, allows students who previously participated in SURF to continue with additional professional development opportunities. In 2024, students in this program focused on advanced workshops in scientific publication planning, time management, and mentoring skills.

Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI) Students Five CCRI students participated in the 2024 SURF program, receiving mentorship from experienced faculty and student mentors.

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives RI-INBRE continues its commitment to diversity and inclusion by recruiting more underrepresented and disadvantaged students through the SURF and Bridges programs. Efforts to support first-generation and non-traditional students have also expanded, with more students able to participate part-time to accommodate other responsibilities.

Overall, the 2024 SURF Program successfully provided hands-on research training, professional development, and mentorship, with 135 students participating across the state of Rhode Island.