Post-Award Reporting Guidance for INBRE Awards

Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) Instructions – 2024

The RPPR is an NIH requirement for all federally funded projects.  We are required to submit an accounting of all projects and resources funded by RI-INBRE.  Failure to properly report can result in delays in receiving our funding and possibly loss of future funding for investigators.  Your help as investigators is critical for us to avoid this scenario.  These instructions are intended to help you identify which data needs to be reported.  All data will ultimately be uploaded into the PieStar reporting platform.

Communication with INBRE Staff 

To minimize excessive emails, we will as much as possible communicate with you via your OSP and Steering Committee contacts.  You may also pass any INBRE related questions to us through those contacts.  If you have a technical issue with PieStar, you can contact PieStar support at

ERACommons ID Requirement

Every person INCLUDING ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF SUPPORTED BY INBRE will need an up-to-date ERACommons profile with ID on file with NIH.  The RPPR will be rejected otherwise, so it is imperative that you AND YOUR STUDENTS AND STAFF have ID’s.  Please contact your OSP for help in getting ERACommons ID.

Basic Information

In general, you will be reporting the following information:

  • Research progress report
  • Rosters, including students and staff
  • External grants resulting directly from INBRE funding (ie My project The Effects of Microplastics on Potato Farming provided data for a grant submission to NIGMS).  Specifically, NIH, Federal Non-NIH, and Other
  • Presentations linked to INBRE funding, with information on student coauthors
  • Publications linked to INBRE funding, with information on student coauthors
  • Intellectual property developed with INBRE funding
  • Student participation in research, including course-based experiences
  • Outcomes of recently graduated students (ie did they go to graduate or medical school?  Do they work in biotech?  Did they stay in New England?)
  • Educational and outreach activities funded by INBRE
  • Usage of core facilities (CRCF and MIC) by INBRE investigators and students

Not every investigator will have information on every topic, but the more information you can provide, the more accurate our numbers.

Student Reporting

When an investigator adds a student to PieStar, the student will receive an login link by email.  Please advise your students to login in and fill out their information.  For students, this is primarily demographic information.  We also try to keep track of graduated students for at least five years, usually by following them on LinkedIn.  Any information investigators have on past students job histories that are relevant to this tracking are appreciated.


Manuscript Public Access Compliance

PieStar recently deployed a simplified manuscript reporting tool.  You will be able to import manuscripts directly from PubMed and (I think) Google Scholar.  This helps us standardize the formatting and speeds up the input process.  The official list of INBRE publications will be received through NIH Reporter, but we want to identify any that we may have missed or which are in progress.  As a reminder, all publications should cite the RI-INBRE grant and ideally the core facilities if you use them.  Also, all publications need to follow NIH public access compliance rules, meaning they need to be deposited in PubMed Central.  Your publisher will usually take care of this for you, but if not, you will need to submit them to PMC directly.  At this time, all of our publications for this cycle are compliant but please let us know if you have any new ones that need to go through the compliance process so that we can start that asap.  Non-compliant manuscripts will hold up the RPPR so it is imperative that all manuscripts be compliant. If you need instructions on making your manuscripts compliant, please contact

NIH Suggested Tables for RPPR

In previous years, NIH also required INBRE to report using the SIRS system.  That system is no longer required, but many of its components are now being incorporated into the RPPR as “suggested” tables.  The pdf linked below shows these tables.  PieStar is being updated to reflect these new suggestions and any information you can report towards those ends are appreciated.

INBRE RPPR Suggested Tables

Final Thoughts

We appreciate the hard work all of our investigators and staff who help us maintain compliance of the program.  We also want to thank our former business manager Laura Bellavia for her hard work over the years on finishing the RPPR’s.  This is her last one!

If you have any questions, please contact us through your OSP or steering committee member and we will help you through any issue.