
Faculty Development Projects

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Immunosuppressive Agents (2002-2004)
Investigator: Fatemeh Aklaghi, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island

Neural Architecture and the Mechanisms for Learning and Memory Storage (2001-2004)
Investigator: Brian Blais, Bryant College
Mentor: Nasser H. Zawia, University of Rhode Island

Developing a Tailored, Mismatched Intervention for Increasing the Physical Activity Behavior of Sedentary Adults (2001-2004)
Investigator: Bryan Blissmer, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Wayne F. Velicer, University of Rhode Island

The Effects of Endocrine Disruptors on Complex Behavior Patterns (2001-2003)
Investigator: Ethan Clotfelter, Providence College
Mentor: Zahir Shaikh, University of Rhode Island

Localization of SP Family of Transcription Factors in the Developing Brain (2001-2004)
Investigator: Suzanne Conklin, Rhode Island College
Mentor: Nasser H. Zawia, University of Rhode Island

Acrylamide and Intermediate Filaments in Mouse Sertoli Cells (2001-2004)
Investigator: Eric Hall, Rhode Island College
Mentor: Kim Boekelheide, Brown University

A Mechanism for Phthalate-Induced Testicular Injury: Cadherin Disruption (2001-2003)
Investigator: Kamin Johnson, Brown University
Mentor: Kim Boekelheide, Brown University

Co-Variation in Alcohol Abuse and Smoking in Adolescents and Their Parents (2001-2004)
Investigator: Randi Kim, Rhode Island College
Mentor: James Prochaska, University of Rhode Island

Sulfotransferase Inhibitors: Chemoprevention and Drug Interactions (2001-2004)
Investigator: Roberta King, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Bongsup Cho, University of Rhode Island

Mental Health Benefits from Cancer Prevention (2001-2004)
Investigator: Daniel Koonce, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Wayne F. Velicer, University of Rhode Island

A 3-D Model of the Transport and Diffusion of Chemotherapy Drugs into the Brain for Tumor Volume Reduction (2002-2004)
Investigator: Donna M. Meyer, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Ying Sun, University of Rhode Island

Changes in High Risk Sex and Cigarette Smoking as Preludes to Immunization for Hepatitis (2001-2004)
Investigator: Mary O’Keeffe, Providence College
Mentor: James Prochaska, University of Rhode Island

Metal Contamination and Human Health (2001-2004)
Investigator: Steven O’Shea, Roger Williams University
Mentor: Zahir Shaikh, University of Rhode Island

Mechanisms of Diolepoxide-DNA Interaction (2001-2004)
Investigator: Kenneth R. Overly, Providence College
Mentor: Bongsup Cho, University of Rhode Island

Biososteres of Tyrosine Phosphate as Inhibitors of the SH2 Domain of Tyrosine Kinases (2001-2004)
Investigator: Keykavous Parang, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island

Drugs from the Sea: Especially from Marine Microbes (2001-2004)
Investigator: David Rowley, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Yuzuru Shimizu, University of Rhode Island

The Role of the 26S Proteasome Component Rpn6 in Directing Ubiquitinated Substrates to the Proteasome (2002-2004)
Investigator: Jeffrey D. Singer, Brown University
Mentor: John Sedivy, Brown University

Metal Cations in PTK Catalysts and Inhibitor Design (2001-2004)
Investigator: Gongqin Sun, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island

Targeting of Proteins to the 26S Proteasome: Determination of Antizyme Function (2001-2004)
Investigator: Charles Toth, Providence College
Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island

Regional Electrophysiological Effects of Heterogeneous Cardiac Deformation (2002-2004)
Investigator: Frederick J. Vetter, University of Rhode Island
Mentors: Ying Sun, University of Rhode Island and Robert L. Rodgers, University of Rhode Island

Herb-Mediated Blockade on UV Signaling (2001-2004)
Investigator: Yinsheng Wan, Providence College
Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island

Mathematical Modeling of Cardiovascular Mechanics and Metabolism (2001-2004)
Investigator: Li Wu, University of Rhode Island
Mentors: Ying Sun, University of Rhode Island and Robert L. Rodgers, University of Rhode Island

Pilot Projects

Disparities in Appropriateness of Care among Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients (2018). 
Investigator: Ami Vyas, Ph.D., University of Rhode Island

Distribution and Metabolism of Immunosuppressive Agents (2001-2002)
Investigator: Fatemeh Akhlaghi, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island

Genetic Characterization of the Different Histological Types of Malignancy in Colorectal Cancer (2003-2004)
Investigator: Elisaabeth Arévalo, Providence College
Mentor: Bongsup Cho, University of Rhode Island

Fluorinated Membranes – A Model for Raft Formation (2001-2002)
Investigator: Amit Basu, Brown University
Mentor: Matthew Zimmit, Brown University

Electrocardiographic and Hemodynamic Effects of a Dietary Weight Loss Supplement Containing Ephedrine and Caffeine (2002-2003)
Investigator: Michael Caron, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Robert Rodgers, University of Rhode Island

Phase Space Warping Based Diagnosis of Long-Term Changes in Human Coordination (2002-2003)
Investigator: David Chelidze, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Arun Shukla, University of Rhode Island

Metal Interactions in Csk Protein-Tyrosine Kinase (2003-2004)
Investigator: Glenisson de Olivéira, Rhode Island College
Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island

Novel Antimicrobial Peptides of Marine Origin: Recombinant Expression and Processing by Proteolytic Enzymes (2003-2004)
Investigator: Marta Gómez-Chiarri, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Bingfang Yan, University of Rhode Island

Transgenic Cis-Regulatory Analysis of a Simple Two-Gene Cluster (2002-2003)
Investigator: Steve Irvine, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Nasser Zawia, University of Rhode Island

Transgenic Cis-Regulatory Analysis of Development Genes in Ascidians (2003-2004)
Investigator: Steve Irvine, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Nasser Zawia, University of Rhode Island

Stochastic Resonance in a Subexcitable System (2001-2002)
Investigator: Sandor Kadar, Salve Regina University
Mentor: Bongsup Cho, University of Rhode Island

Spatiotemporal Stochastic Resonance in a Subexcitable Chemical System (2003-2004)
Investigator: Sandor Kadar, Salve Regina University
Mentor: Bongsup Cho, University of Rhode Island

Design of Sensors for the Detection of Organohalides and Organophophates Using Time-Resolved Fluorescence (2002-2003)
Investigator: Jaycoda Major, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: William Euler, University of Rhode Island

Separation of Wear Debris in Total Joint Replacements Using Bio-Ferrography (2001-2002)
Investigator: Donna Meyer, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Ying Sun, University of Rhode Island

Latent Growth Curve Modeling of Health Behavior Changes Among Adolescents (2002-2003)
Investigator: Nansook Park, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Wayne Velicer, University of Rhode Island

Mechanisms of Emotional Modulation in Human Visual Cortex (2003-2004)
Investigator: Luiz Pessoa, Brown University
Mentor: Sheila Blumstein, Brown University

Evaluation of Graded Materials for Use in Total Joint Replacement (2002-2003)
Investigator: Carl-Ernst Rousseau, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Arun Shukla, University of Rhode Island

Evaluation of Contact Stresses in Graded Materials Used in Total Joint Replacement (2003-2004)
Investigator: Carl-Ernst Rousseau, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Arun Shukla, University of Rhode Island

Manufacturing Processes for Biomedical Implants Using Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) Technology (2003-2004)
Investigator: Valerie Maier Speredelozzi, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Arun Shukla, University of Rhode Island

Brain Structure and Activation in Children Born Preterm (2002-2004)
Investigator: Mary Sullivan, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Margaret McGrath, University of Rhode Island

A Quantitative Description of the Cardiac Papillary Muscle Insertion (2001-2002)
Investigator: Fred Vetter, University of Rhode Island
Mentors: Robert Rodgers, University of Rhode Island and Ying Sun, University of Rhode Island

Evaluation of Deer Tick Eggs Antigens as an Anti-Tick Vaccine (2001-2002)
Investigator: Ulysses Whitworth, University of Rhode Island
Mentor: Nasser Zawia, University of Rhode Island