RI-INBRE 2021 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows

at the University of Rhode Island

RI-INBRE hosted the 2021 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program from May 24th through July 30th. Ninety-one undergraduate students participated in summer research experiences at our network institutions across the state including, Providence College, Rhode Island College, Roger Williams University, Salve Regina University, and the University of Rhode Island.

The cohort included four SURF+ students participating in their second SURF, and two Bridge to Graduate School Fellows (BGSF), former SURF entering graduate school at URI or Brown University. Both programs offer paid summer research experiences. The BGSF program provides an opportunity for students to jump-start their graduate studies the summer after receiving their undergraduate degrees. Of our 2021 SURF participants, 71% were women, 29% were students underrepresented in the biomedical sciences, and 21% were first-generation college students.

The program culminated in the annual Rhode Island Summer Undergraduate Research Conference held on July 30th, where 140 students from RI-INBRE SURF, SURF+ and BGSF, RI NSF EPSCoR/C-AIM SURF, and URI MARC U*STAR programs presented their summer research in a poster symposium. Each year, RI-INBRE recognizes a select group of students during the application process as “Special Fellows” who are funded by the various colleges at URI in addition to URI’s Provost, and the Vice President of Research.