Research Archives Proposal Development Projects

RI-INBRE (2004 – 2017) Proposal Development Projects Exploring Biochemical Space with Synthetic β-Carbolines (2016) Investigator: Seann Mulcahy, Providence College The Molecular Anatomy of APP-Associated Axoplasnic Organelles (2014-2016) Investigator: Joseph DeGiorgis, Providence College Collaborator/Mentor: Thomas Reese, National Institutes of Health Measuring Toddler’s Understanding of Pretense (2014-2016) Investigator: Jennifer Van Reet, Providence College Collaborator/Mentor: David Sobel, Brown University […]

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A Link to Melanoma: Discovering the Role of Pol Theta in UV Damage Repair

INVESTIGATOR: Jamie Towle-Weicksel, Rhode Island College COLLABORATIVE MENTOR: Sarah Delaney, Brown University THEME: Cancer ABSTRACT: Skin exposed to UV light is one of the major contributing factors for developing melanoma. It is hypothesized that cancer begins at the DNA level through genomic instability as UV light distorts the DNA bases and disrupts DNA replication and transcription. This […]

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