The RI EPSCoR program has acquired a new BD Influx flow cytometer optimized for marine applications. The instrument is located in the Marine Life Sciences Facility at the University of Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay Campus.
Instrument Description:
The Influx flow cytometer analyzes and sorts individual cells by measuring forward and sideward light scatter, and fluorescence at multiple wavelengths. This instrument is equipped with three lasers (355nm, 488nm, and 561nm) and ten detectors allowing for multicolor analysis of samples (see optics diagram). The influx can sort up to six populations simultaneously into a variety of tubes, slides or multiwell plates. Collection of sorted cells is highly configurable using a programmable tray position control system. Five nozzle sizes from 70 – 200μm are available to accommodate a wide variety of cell sizes. A cooling system keeps samples and sorted populations at constant temperature and maintains cell viability.
Check out the Marine Life Science Facility to learn more.