STAC announces call for proposals

Approximately $800,000 in competitive funding is offered in support of STAC’s partnership in Rhode Island’s Cooperative Agreement with the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). The overarching question of this agreement is “What are the impacts of climate change on marine life?” Proposals are eligible that address any of the three EPSCoR research questions:

  • What are the stress responses and evolutionary potentials of marine organisms in response to climate change?,
  • How are the structure and function of coastal marine food-webs and biogeochemical cycling being redirected in response to climate change?, and
  • How will global climate change affect the ecology of marine pathogens and parasites?

Proposals are preferred if they include use of Core Facilities in Proteomics, Genomics & Sequencing (at Brown and URI) and in Marine Life Sciences (URI, Bay Campus).

Through this call for proposals, the Rhode Island Science and Technology Advisory Council (STAC) will award funding to scientific research projects that promote inter-organizational, inter-disciplinary collaboration across Rhode Island public and private research institutions and expand the state’s research infrastructure. Successfully funded proposals will be extremely well-organized and constructed activities that are catalytic in nature, submitted by an experienced and competitive team that can accomplish together what no team member can accomplish alone, provide a clearly identified plan for follow-on funding or commercialization with an outstanding potential to increase research capacity and infrastructure.

Pre-proposals are due September 27, 2013 and should be emailed to the Rhode Island Research Alliance at The subject line should read: Last name, First name, Pre-Proposal (i.e. Smith, Christine, Pre-Proposal).

Full proposals are due October 30, 2013 at 4:30pm ET and must be submitted through our online submission tool.  Instructions on how to use this tool will be provided to proposers who are invited to submit.

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