Services include DNA sequencing and fragment analysis (Sanger method), next generation sequencing and library preparation (Illumina MiSeq), light and scanning confocal microscopy, and genomics equipment use (qPCR, BioAnalyzer, Nanodrop, etc.).
- AirClean 600 PCR Workstation – combines an ISO 5 / Class 100 clean air environment with UV light sterilization to provide optimal protection from sample contamination.
- Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer – microfluidics-based platform for sizing, quantification and quality control of DNA, RNA, proteins and cells.
- Applied Biosystems 3130xl genetic analyzer – fluorescence-based analysis system used for DNA sequencing and fragment analysis.
- Beckman Coulter Allegra 25R – refrigerated centrifuge.
- Covaris S220 AFA ultrasonicator – used to shear or fragment DNA samples for the preparation of sample libraries for analysis in next generation sequencers.
- DNAStar Lasergene server – comprehensive suite of software for DNA & protein sequence analysis, contig assembly and sequencing project management
- Eppendorf epMotion 5075 VAC – automated liquid handling workstation for diverse methods such as nucleic acid purification, PCR setup, cleanup of sequencing reactions, etc.
- Eppendorf Mastercycler ep Gradient S thermal cycler .
- Illumina MiSeq next generation sequencer – used for a wide range of genetic analyses including whole-genome sequencing, mRNA sequencing, de novo sequencing, ChIP-Seq, targeted resequencing, and metagenomics (16S rRNA sequencing).
- IntegenX Apollo 324 – automated workstation for next generation sequence library preparation using bead technology to execute high-performance isolation and purification of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA, plasmids, etc.) and proteins.
- Invitrogen Qubit fluorometer – provides highly accurate quantification of DNA, RNA and protein samples.
- MJ Research PTC-100 thermal cycler
- Nanodrop 8000 (8-channel spectrophotometer) – measures concentration and purity of DNA, RNA and protein samples.
- OmniLog Phenotype Microarray System – used to identify bacterial species and determine their phenotypic behavior on a wide variety of substrates and compounds.
- Qiagen TissueLyser – provides rapid and efficient disruption of cells and tissues.
- Qiagen QiaCube – automated workstation to process Qiagen spin columns for purification of plasmid DNA, genomic DNA, RNA, viral nucleic acids, and proteins
- Roche LC480 qPCR instruments (2) – plate based real-time PCR platform for highly accurate qualitative and quantitative detection of nucleic acids and genotyping.
- Stratagene Mx3005 qPCR system – used to quantify nucleic acids for studying gene expression, mutational analysis, disease state, and gene dosage.
- Sage Science BluePippin – a preparative electrophoresis platform that separates, sizes and extracts DNA fragments.
- Thermo Savant DNA SpeedVac – a centrifugal concentration system for drying low-volume ethanol or isopropanol precipitates of DNA and RNA.
- Vibratome 5000 cryostat – uses a microtome housed inside a chamber with a temperature of -35°C for the preparation of frozen sections of cells and tissues.
- Zeiss AxioImager 2 motorized microscope with AxioCam high-resolution digital camera and LSM 700 scanning confocal module with 4 lasers at 405, 488, 555, & 639 nm excitation