CB-10: Community profiling of Narragansett Bay bacterial communities

Mentor: Zachary Pimentel, University of Rhode Island
Co-Mentor: Ying Zhang, University of Rhode Island

Project Location

University of Rhode Island-Kingston

SURF Flex eligible? 


Project Description

Bacteria are essential components of coastal marine ecosystems such as the Narragansett Bay (NB). However, little is known of their patterns of diversity and interactions with the environment within NB. Previously, we have characterized the bacterial communities from near weekly samples in NB using 16S rRNA community profiling from September 2017 – August 2018. This project will expand upon this analysis by aiding in the preparation, sequencing, and analysis of samples from August 2018 – August 2019. Through this project, we expect to gain further insights into the diversity of these communities and further our understanding of bacteria-environment interactions in NB. The student will receive training in DNA extraction, PCR, and molecular sequencing analysis. Additional opportunities may involve field work or training in high performance research computing.