CB-3: The microbial ecology of benthic habitats in Rhode Island

Mentor: Roxanne Beinart (University of Rhode Island)

Project Location

University of Rhode Island – Bay Campus

Project Description

Student will use cultivation, microscopy, and molecular-based approaches to explore the diversity and functioning of benthic microbes in Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island coastal ponds, with a particular focus on carbon cycling and anaerobic ciliates. Data collected as part of this project will be useful for understanding the role of benthic microbes in coastal ecosystem biogeochemical cycles, in particular their role in the production of methane. Student will use methods such as the cultivation of anaerobic microbes, light and epifluorescent microscopy, and molecular identification of microbes via gene sequencing. Some fieldwork to coastal intertidal habitats, like salt marshes and coastal ponds, may be possible.

This project involves:

  • field work
  • lab work

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Required/preferred skills

Background in biology or chemistry required. Microbiology or molecular biology laboratory experience is preferred, but is not required.