Statement from the Crime Laboratory
The Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory recently identified a nonconformity with laboratory standards on a single case within the laboratory’s firearms and toolmarks section. The laboratory immediately notified the ANSI National Accreditation Board, the Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General, and the State Crime Laboratory Commission. The laboratory is taking specific remedial actions.
Among those actions, the firearms division immediately suspended firearms and toolmarks examinations. Current and future firearms exhibits will be tested by an external, accredited laboratory or qualified consultant during a remedial period. The laboratory also is working in close consultation with the attorney general’s office to expeditiously identify if any other firearms exhibits may require review. These actions are specific to the firearms division and to toolmarks examinations; all other divisions are continuing to conduct examinations.
The Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory is nationally accredited and is committed to ensuring the integrity of its examinations and results.
The Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory (RISCL) offers a range of scientific services for all appropriate agencies investigating evidence related to federal, state or local crimes. Not all services are available onsite and services offered may change from time to time depending on the availability of scientific expertise. However, evidence may be delivered to the laboratory for transfer to the appropriate laboratory which does offer the requested service(s).
The goal of the RISCL is to provide our customers with scientific results and administrative services in a useful time-frame. The RISCL has defined its customer base as all appropriate agencies investigating evidence relating to federal, state or local crimes. The RISCL is committed to meeting the needs and expectations of all of our customers utilizing a philosophy of quality and service.The services offered may change from time to time depending on the availability of scientific expertise. However, evidence may be delivered to the laboratory for transfer to the appropriate laboratory which does offer the requested service(s).