URMIA Insurance Programs

The University of Rhode Island requires all organizations/users who host events or programs on campus for a non-University of Rhode Island event/s, to be insured for liability. Users must provide evidence of such coverage (certificate of insurance) to the Conference Service Office and to Risk Control and Insurance Office minimally two weeks prior to the event. This requirement can be satisfied by purchasing a general liability policy and providing evidence of the same via a certificate of insurance.

If you need to purchase insurance for “Event/s” the University of Rhode Island is enrolled in the URMIA (University Risk Management and Insurance Association) sponsored Insurance Programs.  TULIP is a liability EVENT insurance policy with variable policy limits and low deductibles.  Please see below for information and link.

URIMA also sponsors 2 other insurance programs, one for CAMPS and one for URI Faculty, URI Students and URI Staff personal property coverage.  Please see below for more information.

TULIP Event Insurance:

This is a Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP) offered at a reduced rate to those who hold functions at URI. TULIP protects both the “facility user” (e.g., event host or visiting organization) and UR against claims by third parties.  Link: https://tulip.ajg.com/


URMIA Camps Insurance Program protects the camp, its coaches and counselors, as well as  URI where the camp is held. Additionally, participants are covered for medical bills related to accidents occurring at the camp. Link:  https://ucamps.rpsins.com/

Student and University Staff Personal Property Insurance.

This is an inexpensive insurance program covering the personal property of individual students, faculty, and staff of URI. This coverage applies whether living on or off campus, including while studying abroad or away on internships, externships, or other experiential academic opportunities. The program includes variable policy limits, low deductibles, and a liability coverage option for the individuals. Link: https://urmiastudentproperty.ajg.com/