Katie Warlick


Born and raised about an hour south of Washington D.C., I am a graduate of the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA where I completed a B.S. in Biological Sciences with a minor in Neuroscience. I have since moved up to Rhode Island to begin a M.S. in College Student Personnel and serve as the Graduate Assistant for Student Success Systems. I spent a fair amount of my time in undergrad working with students in their transition to the university and thereafter and fell in love with it, so I am excited to do just the same in my new role at URI! Outside of school and work, I love going to concerts, hiking, going to the beach, and spending time with my friends. I am incredibly extroverted and I love meeting new people, so stop by anytime!

Once a UMW Eagle, always a UMW Eagle… but it’s a great day to be a ram 🙂