Bereavement Notices

Student Bereavement Guidelines

The Dean of Students Office understands that grief impacts every student differently. This is not an attempt to quantify the impact that a tragic loss has on any student or in any way address the nature of the grief process. The purpose of this policy is to provide students the time to attend the bereavement services of family members. In applying the guidelines below, students are strongly encouraged to use their judgment about the time they need and can afford to take given their academic responsibilities and goals. Similarly, students should use their discretion about the need to take more extended time through mechanisms such as late course drops or leave of absence (when eligible).

The Dean of Students Office is aware that students will experience other types of loss that are not addressed by this policy. In these instances, we encourage faculty to be sensitive to a student’s grief. Additionally, students may need to make individual choices about taking time away that are consistent with their emotional needs.

Students will be eligible for an absence notification for the period of time outlined below if documentation (e.g., an obituary, funeral card, or name of the deceased when services are still pending) can be provided. *Please note: How missed work (including exams) is completed following bereavement absences remains at the discretion of individual instructors.

Length of Bereavement

Students are eligible for up to five (5) consecutive academic days of excused absences in the event of death of an immediate family member. For a death outside of the immediate family as defined below, students are eligible for up to three (3) consecutive academic days.

Immediate Family: parent, legal guardian, spouse/partner, child, sibling, or other relative living in the student’s home.

Relationships outside of the immediate family may include but are not limited to grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and first cousins.

In the event of the death of another family member or friend not explicitly included above, students are encouraged to contact Student Support and Advocacy Services directly.

Travel Days

In addition to the aforementioned excused academic days, students may be granted up to three (3) additional calendar days to account for travel considerations. This is to be determined by the distance of the verified funeral/memorial services from the University of Rhode Island’s Kingston Campus:

  • Within 150 miles: 0 calendar days for travel
  • Between 150 – 300 miles: 1 calendar day for travel
  • Over 300 miles: 2 calendar days for travel
  • Verified travel outside of North America: 3-5 calendar days for travel

University of Rhode Island Student Bereavement Policy

Course attendance policies are to be determined by the faculty member(s) responsible for teaching a course. A student’s absence from class maybe excused in the event of a traumatic loss (defined as death of a family member or other significant relationship) as reviewed and recommended by the Dean of Students Office (and/or the Academic College) for up to two consecutive weeks, for courses that run eight weeks or longer. Absences from courses of shorter duration will be determined on a case-by-case basis with the instructor and Dean of Students Office staff. Students have the right to request professor notification of these absences by completing the notification request form. Dean of Students Office staff will then notify the student’s instructors of the absences once the request has been reviewed and approved.

Consideration for academic assistance and the opportunity to complete the course are at the discretion of the course instructor(s) and dependent on the nature of the course.

The student is responsible for fulfilling the course requirements and for working with course instructors on an appropriate timeline to submit any missed assignments/requirements. The Office of Student Support and Advocacy Services (Dean of Students Office) is the designated office to help support the student and review all available options, in collaboration with the degree granting academic colleges, if the traumatic loss has an impact on the student’s academic progress for the term. Faculty requesting confirmation of the traumatic loss resulting in the requested bereavement leave should consult with the Dean of Students Office.


If a student exercised their right to have a bereavement notification sent out to their faculty by the Office of Student Support and Advocacy Services (Dean of Students Office), they were asked to provide an obituary, memorial service pamphlet, death certificate, or other documentation that identifies the student’s relation to the deceased.

If you have specific questions regarding absence notification, please contact the Student Support & Support Services by emailing or calling 401.874.2098 during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm).