When to contact SSAS vs. DAI

Student Support and Advocacy Services (SSAS) and the Disability, Access and Inclusion (DAI) program serve distinct yet complementary roles in supporting students at the University of Rhode Island.

SSAS focuses on providing support to students facing various challenges, including academic, personal, and social issues. We offer individualized assistance, resources, and advocacy to help students navigate difficulties and achieve success in their academic and personal lives. SSAS is dedicated to promoting student well-being and fostering a supportive campus environment through outreach, education, and empowerment.

Disability, Access and Inclusion (DAI) specifically addresses the needs of students with disabilities, whether visible or invisible. DAI works to ensure that students have equal access to educational opportunities and campus resources. They facilitate accommodations and services tailored to the unique needs of each student, in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

While SSAS offers support to all students, regardless of disability status, DAI specializes in providing accommodations and interventions specifically for students with documented disabilities. Both programs play vital roles in promoting inclusivity and student success at URI, working collaboratively to create an accessible and supportive campus community.

When to contact whom

Faculty and staff play a crucial role in supporting students’ well-being and success. Here’s guidance on when to contact Disability, Access and Inclusion (DAI) versus Student Support and Advocacy Services (SSAS):

Contact DAI when:

  • A student discloses a documented disability and requests accommodations.
  • There are concerns regarding a student’s access to educational resources due to a disability.
  • You require guidance on implementing accommodations in your classroom or academic setting.
  • You need assistance in understanding legal requirements related to disability accommodations.

Contact SSAS when:

  • A student is experiencing personal, academic, or social challenges impacting their well-being and academic performance.
  • You observe signs of distress or behavioral changes in a student.
  • You need assistance in connecting a student with resources or support services on campus.
  • You have concerns about a student’s overall adjustment to college life or their ability to navigate campus resources effectively.

By reaching out to the appropriate office, faculty, and staff can ensure that students receive the tailored support they need to thrive academically and personally at URI.