Academic Honesty Procedures
Under the direction of Faculty Senate and guidelines outlined in the University Manual, the Dean of Students Office and the University Student Conduct System are charged with monitoring, tracking, and enforcing Academic Honesty policies. Students have the right to a Conduct Advisor during Academic Honesty proceedings. The following process applies when there is an allegation of academic dishonesty.
Notification of Academic Honesty Violations
Faculty and instructors are required to notify the student of Academic Honesty allegations. Faculty and instructors must also send formal written notice to the instructor’s College Dean, the student’s College Dean, and the Dean of Students Office. The Associate Dean of Students, Community Standards or designee notifies the student in writing of the Academic Honesty violation.
Sanctions and Appeals for Academic Honesty Violations
Academic Sanctions
The instructor has three following options when sanctioning a student who has been found responsible for violating the University’s or faculty’s Academic Honesty standards.
a) The Faculty may fail the student for the assignment
b) The Faculty may fail the student for the course, with authorization from the instructor’s College Dean; and/or
c) The Faculty may request formal Student Conduct action. This request may be made in lieu of or in addition to a grade adjustment.
review student handbookConduct Sanctions
If it is a first offense and no formal conduct action is requested, students are sent a formal and official warning letter. Repeat infractions require conduct action is initiated against the student. Conduct action on an allegation of academic dishonesty may be requested by the instructor’s College Dean or by the instructor with a statement from the instructor’s College Dean. Appeals of formal conduct action will be followed in accordance with the Student Handbook appeals process.
Academic Appeal Options
The student may appeal the allegation of academic dishonesty according to the guidelines in the University Manual.
b) Grade Sanction – Course Failure: The student or instructor may appeal the dean’s decision to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs whose decision on that appeal shall be final (See University Manual 8.27.18)
a) Grade Sanction – 0 on Assignment: The student may appeal the matter to the instructor’s dean, and the decision by the dean shall be expeditious and final (See University Manual 8.27.17)
review university manual